The Plan Was...

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So the plan was I go on a very long hiatus and ghost Wattpad. Yup that was in fact the plan.


I just got caught up with Boku no hero academia and I went on a shipping spree and brought all of the manga in digital format until my physical copies come in.

Anywho the plan was to stop the fandom like my fam said to because apparently it isn't healthy for my wellbeing.

But, the ideas are eating away at my minds so I is back and ready to corrupt more beings with my terrible writing lol. 🤷‍♀️

So expect more cringe worthy plotlines and such sometime. Also started on my ship-shots as well.

I is not going ghost might write some diabolik lovers too. I started rewatching that. Gotta love the cliche weak protagonist lol.

Okay pretty sure I pestered y'all enough tonight.

Later duckies ✌

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