Hurtful words part 2 💙💔

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Request by Timmytheemoedgelord

Todoroki was studying as a small yawn escapes into the air as he rubs his eyes to fight off sleep. Bakugo stuck his head out of the doorframe and grinned at the little who was obviously fighting sleep. Motioning for Kirishima to look over as well to catch the adorable sight. Kirishima chuckles and walks calmly over to Todoroki and taps his shoulder. Looking up todoroki smiles a sleepy grin and continues to rub sleep from his eyes.

"Hey papa," he mumbled rubbing his eyes angrily while bakugo watches from the door a ghostly smile sneaking into his face. Kirishima shook his head as he picked up the tired little and walked over to the bed before laying him down.

"Rest bub," he said placing the thin cover up to his chin. Whining softly Bakugo came and placed the starfish in todoroki arms and placed the gotten paci in his waiting mouth. Within a matter of minutes Todoroki was out. Kirishima and Bakugo sat in the chairs watching their baby boy sleep peacefully as if nothing was wrong and he had not a single worry in the entire world. However, Kirishima was worried. Turning to Bakugo Kirishima sighed.

"What are we going to do?" Bakugo side glanced at him while still keeping a close eye on Todoroki to make sure nothing happened. Bakugo knew what was on Kirishima's mind and honestly he had been avoiding the situation as much as he could.

"Nothing," he replied with a sharp voice. Kirishima glared at his lover and best friend unwilling to accept that from him.


"No shitty hair, " he growled lowly and glared at kirishima giving him his undivided attention. "We are not having this conversation right now. Let it go," kirishima deflated and stared at the ground as unwanted tears swelled up in his eyes as he wished he could just let this go, to pretend it never happened so he didn't have to think about it anymore. But, he just couldn't do that. Casting a glance toward todoroki to see he was in fact still sleep he got up and made his way over to the door. Stopping shy of opening the door a hand stopped his movements.

"Move Bakugo," kirishima said with a small voice and his shoulders began to shake. Unfazed bakugo turned kirishima around and crossed his arms over his broad chest glaring daggers.

"Why does it matter so much to you. It had nothing to do with you or me. Its Todoroki's problem not ours." Even as he said it Bakugo didnt want to believe it much like Kirishima. Kirishima grabbed bakugo by his shirt and gritted his teeth.

"Not our problem," he repeated as his voice slowly began to rise, "he's our shooting star, our baby boy and that almost happened to him. How can you stand there and say it's not our problem? How can you call yourself a caregiver or a man if you let this go?!" Kirishima screamed at him as his voice began to strain. Bakugo hated when kirishima acted like this, like he was the heartless asshole when he wasn't.

"Shut up shitty hair," kirishima growled as Bakugo glanced over his shoulder to see todoroki sitting up in bed rubbing his eyes. Glancing between his daddy and papa todoroki began to tear up. Realizing that his yelling woke up todoroki kirishima sighed before walking toward him only to be stopped by a firm hand on his shoulder. "Go blow off steam shitty hair." Kirishima glared as bakugo walked past him and sat beside todoroki rubbing circles on his back to calm him down.

"I'm not leaving him with you," bakugo growled at him and kirishima was generally worried that if he left he would do something unforgivable.

"Fucking go bastard," kirishima flinched when bakugo snapped as he lured todoroki back to sleep. Still unmoving kirishima only watched as bakugo got up and activated his quirk aiming at kirishima. Just missing barely kirishima bolted out the door in tears.

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