Little Things 💜

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Ship: Poprocks (BakuKiri)

So it has been brought to my attention that it is a certain explosive blonde's bithday today and he needs more love so I'm writing this birthday special for him. Hope you enjoy it.

Class was like any other, Bakugo was annoyed and class 1A thought it was a good idea to have Midoriya give him a few words of inspiration.

"H-hey kacchan," Midoriya stuttered as he walked up to Bakugo in hesitation. Glaring Bakugo stared at him waiting clearly pissed off. "So uh some the guys were thinking of a little party since it is your birthday and I told them it was a bad idea and they said it was fine so uh you want a party?" Midoriya rambled on fiddling around with the hem of his shirt avoiding Bakugo's piercing gaze.

"What kind of question is that shitty deku? Fuck no I don't want a party, I'm not spending my time with you shitty extras. Now fucking scram Deku," Bakugo growled as his quirk began to ignite charing the desk a bit. Epping Midoriya ran off and hid behind todoroki. The rest of the day Kirishima was making it his personal duty to give Bakugo the best day of his life.

"What is it Shitty hair?" Bakugo questioned when he recieved a text from the red head to stay behind in class after the bell rang for lunch. Grinning at his best friend Kirishima pulled a bag which clearly held some kind of gift. Glaring Bakugo took the bag and threw it away on his way out the door.

"I didn't ask for shit today. So don't bother," and he went to lunch leaving a smiling kirishima behind. Once out of sight kirishima got the bag from the bin and put it in his bag waiting to place it in his desk.

'I know you didn't,' kirishima thought as he stared longingly at the door of the closed classroom. 'But I still wanted you to know someone cared,' the smile slipped from his face making it hard to breath. Calming his breathing Kirishima walked out of class to go eat lunch.

Throughout the rest of the day Kirishima would cast side glances at Bakugo when he thought nobody saw him. Bakugo knew, wasn't hard to guess since Kirishima didn't know the meaning of suttle moves. All day Bakugo ignored him and then it stopped.

It was the end of the day, Bakugo was expecting more useless junk from Kirishima bit he didn't get anything. Kirishima placed the bags on his desk and walked away having not said a single word to the explosive blonde.

"Hey man," Kaminari grinned taking a peek into the bags before Bakugo hid them from sight. "What you got there?"

"None of your damn business pikachu." Bakugo snapped shoving the bags in the trash on his way out of the classroom as the bell signaled the end of the day. Bakugo walked back to his dorm room checking his phone half expecting it to be spammed by the extras about his birthday. But, not a single message. Shrugging it off he laid across his bed after having locked the door and dozed off.

Walking up to Bakugo's room Kirishima left the 2 bags on his door knocking twice and walked away.

'Would you notice if I suddenly stopped?'

*A few hours later*

Bakugo woke with a growing headache as he got up and checked the time. 6:15pm was the time as he got up to stretch. Humming he walked to his door unlocking it and walking out completely side stepping the bags previously placed on his door. Closing the door behind him Bakugo proceeded down the hall toward the kitchen to make a quick dinner so he could shower and get ready for bed by 8. Dinner consists of many stares but no annoying Kirishima.

The night was quiet as Bakugo made his way back up to his dorm only to be stopped by said bags previously placed on his door. Rolling his eyes Bakugo grabbed the bags and proceeded back in his room. Inside the room Bakugo sat down and grabbed the bags opening them. The first bag had a letter and a card in it. Rolling his eyes once more he opened the card first and read it. Nothing special just a normal happy birthday signed by the class. Setting the card aside he grabbed the letter next. Opening the letter an item fell out and Bakugo picked it up checking it out. It was a necklace with a set of cross bones on it. Scoffing he put the necklace back on the bed and opened the letter. It was as followed:

Hey bakubro,
I hope you found the gifts. Yeah I know you said you didn't want anything but I couldn't help it. You're my bro, my rock, my strength and my weakness. Does that even make sense? The point is. I'm glad I know you an I'm happy i was able to make this for you for your special day. Well, I gotta go Kaminari is yelling at me to help him with his homework well later bro.


After reading the letter Bakugo sighed and sat the letter aside. Grabbing the final bag he dumped it out on his lap and stared confused on what it was for a few moments before it clicked. This was a framed picture of Kirishima and Bakugo sleeping on the couch in the lounge. Rolling his eyes Bakugo flipped it over only to find a small note taped to the back of it. Grabbing the note Bakugo read it only to choke up. It only said one thing.

'To my everything,
Would you notice?'

Dropping the stuff Bakugo stormed out of the dorm room only to run into the person he was looking for, kirishima.

"You fucking idiot," Bakugo growled trying to keep his front up but proving to be difficult as he choked on tears burying his face in Kirishima's chest. Rubbing his back Kirishima laughed and guided him back into the room.

"I take it you found the gifts,"

"I fucking hate you,"

"Love you too babe," Kirishima grinned as they cuddled on the bed shoving everything on the floor. Bakugo had the best birthday he'd ever had in a long time all because of a certain persistent red headed loser he called his boyfriend.

Welp once again happy birthday Bakugo. He needed a special moment so I wrote one. It's short but hey at least I wrote something. Until next time.

Later duckies ✌

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