Hero....part 2💙💋

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Request by: Timmytheemoedgelord
There is smut. You've been warned.

Cuddling with Todoroki, Shiguraki was humming slightly while running his hands through todoroki's hair. They were laying on the couch while dabi was on the phone.

"Hey," todoroki looked up at one of his caregivers cocking his head. "you hungry?" Shiguraki's voice soft and a bit raspy but not to the point it scared the little.

"Dont bother Tomura," dabi sighed coming into the room. "The others want to see him, like now now" frowning Shiguraki sighed shifting from under Todoroki to his feet. Sharing a look the two caregivers looked back to there little guy.

"Are you sure it's a good idea Dabi? What if they hurt him or dont like him? What I-"

"Babe breathe and calm down," dabi chuckles as he and shiguraki share a passionate smile toward each other. Todoroki cleared his throat with his arms crossed.

"Don't I get a say in all of this? What if I don't want to go?" He growls unhappy to leave the comfort zone he had since setting up in the privacy of this little apartment. Narrowing his eyes Dabi also crossed his arms over his chest.

"Need I remind you, YOU chose to be a villian. That implies with meeting the league. So get your ass up," todoroki didnt like the orders one bit since he was out of headspace. Narrowing his eyes Dabi's eyes turned cold.

"Shoto, I'm giving you to the count of 3, if you're not moving by the time I start counting I am going to-"

"You'll do what?" Todoroki taunted glaring at the villan in front of him. Dabi's hand began to twitch as the brat in front of him was working his last nerve. Shiguraki sensing what might happen placed a calming but firm hand on his shoulder.

"Why don't you gather his things and I'll talk with him. Probably just cranky and hungry, " shooting a few more glares at todoroki he left the room. Huffing todoroki plopped down on the couch crossing his arms.

"I am not going," he barked out in a fit of rage. "You can't make me" chuckling shiguraki sat beside him in comfortable silence.

"I'm not trying to make you do anything Shoto Todoroki. Whether you go or stay here is your choice. Just know if you choose to stay not only will daddy be upset with you, but you'll be alone here." Todoroki flinched when this was brought up to his attention. He loved being in the company of his caregivers. His daddy and dada. They were his whole world. Literally. Looking up with glossy eyes tears pricked the corners of his hetercromic eyes.

"Don't go dada," he immediately tried to act big. Todoroki didn't want to be alone, but at the same time neither did he want to be the thing he despised most: clingy. Tears still in his eyes he fumbled forward onto his knees reaching for the older male in desperation. It broke shiguraki's heart to see such a face made but he had to remain strong and unmoving in his resolve. Otherwise it would be all for nothing since todoroki would just brush it off as something he had no intention of doing, an empty threat if you will. Better to see the facial expressions now and be able to bypass the tantrums later than to ignore it and have an unruly toddler.

"Its your choice sweetie, like I said you can go or stay either way daddy and I are going." Then proceeded to the door not once bothering to look back as he left the little wailing in the dinning room. Walking to the door Shiguraki seen that dabi had a go bag ready and tapping his foot impatiently waiting. Shaking his head Shiguraki grabbed his shoes placing them on the right foot.

"What was that about? Sounds like you killed him" Dabi stated as he grabbed his coat off the rack by the door. Shrugging Shiguraki followed suit and grabbed his as well.

Bnha One-shots {Completed}Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora