Am I Broken?💔💙

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I'm not not dead.
So let's get on with the content shall we peeps. 🤭

Ship: DustBunny

Shigarki was having a bad day...

"Shiggy come on," Toga groaned as she watched her boss spiral into the mess she seen, "it's not the end of the world," Shigaraki on the other hand did nothing but sit in his normal seat staring with that far away look in his eye. He wasn't there, but at the same time he was more grounded than he had ever felt in his entire life. He hated this feeling

"Leave it Toga," Kurogiri sighed as he cleaned one of the many dishes from the sink. "He'll be alright," though he made it sound like it wasn't anything Toga was quick to pick up on subtlety in her time with the league. Clearly, this was over all of their heads and she knew that. However, with the big boss out of commission as of right now Shigaraki was feeling the pressure not to fail yet again in his futile effort to take down the now ex symbol of peace.

"I'm going out," Shigaraki mumbled as he pulled himself up from the stool. "Don't follow me or I'll kill you," with that threat lingering in the bar Shigaraki was in the crowd blending in to stand out less.

'Stupid Toga,' he thought as he walked aimlessly through the streets more away from the busier side and more toward open vacant lots. With busted windows and destroyed buildings all abandoned some time prior. He sat down on one of the old worn down benches carefully not to break it anymore. Fully slumped over the bench Shigaraki sat with his hands, wearing cheap artist gloves, placed on his face trying to block everything out.

"Hey," a voice called out startling Shigaraki into a frenzy hiding his face more into his black hood. "You alright?"

'the voice don't sound angry, that's  good,' Shigarki thought as a soft whimper came from his throat. It sounded choked but was in fact just a silent plea for who ever was by him to leave without finding out who he was.

"Mind if I sit down?" He wanted nothing more for them to go away but just silently nods once. "Cool. Hey my name's Rumi, Rumi Usagiyama but you can call me Mirko." Shigaraki sat frozen as his luck just couldn't get any worse.

'A hero,' he thought as fear reared its ugly head looming over him. 'She's going to kill me,' thoughts began to pile up in his mind. Shigaraki may be a big leader of a highly criminal organization but he still was just a child inside.

"So what's your name big guy?" She asked as she studied his behavior over the last few minutes with precision. Shigaraki sat scared as a choked whine came from him again as he pulled his hood even further over his face wanting to run away and hide. Mirko on the other hand still watched studying this stranger. From messy look to clearly shaken demeanor.

'Something has this person afraid,' she thought as she continue to quietly observe, 'but what?' She couldn't for the life of her figure out what she was missing. It appeared to be normal anxiety probably from being so close to another living being, but she knew it was more complex than that. His breathing now calm Shigaraki peaked slightly out of his hood, big mistake. Now Mirko knew who he was with the messy blueish white hair on display. Jumping from her seat she was in battle mode ready for whatever it was Shigaraki was plotting.

Shigaraki had managed to slip into his comfort space within his mind and didn't understand why someone was about to attack him. Afraid he threw his hand up over his face in some kind of defense as tears swelled in the corner of his eyes.

"Get your ass up crusty," she growled as he sat scared on the bench, "you try anything funny I'm kicking your ass all the way to the police station," Mirko had her phone out and in the process of talking into it. Shigaraki on the other hand scrambled to stand up as quickly as possible not to anger the hero in front of him.

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