Christmas special (But it's not Christmas)

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Based on the Youtube video from Balenaproductions 'Christmas with Sonic: Reunion'.

This is before Lil Eliza.

In the middle of the town of Bygone Island. Sonic, Y/n, and the gang stood, on guard, in front of Eggman.

"Robots, attack!" Eggman roared, all the different kinds of robots he owns came barreling on the gang. And while they busy themselves destroying the robots, so it wouldn't hurt anyone, Eggman took the chance to grab Sonic with the claw of his Egg-mobile.

"Let him go, Eggbreath!" Y/n yelled, glaring at the aging Eggman. It's already been years since the battle with Terra. And after all those years, Eggman still won't just retire and go travel, or something.

"Ha! Why would I do that? When I finally have this meddling hog in my clutches!" Eggman cackled, tightening the claw's hold on Sonic causing him to groan in pain.

"Because if you don't" Amy tightens her hold on her hammer, "we'll make sure you want to retire!" She warns.

"Ha! One push of this button and your blue blur is squished!" Eggman taunted.

Y/n smirks, "yeah, if you can push it before I destroy your it."

Eggman smirks back, "wanna bet?"

They all have a staring contest. Eggman ready to push the button, and the gang ready to attack.

And just when everyone was about to move...

*Bee-Bee-Beep!* *Bee-bee-Beep!*

The sound of an alarm goes off stopping everyone. The gang turns to Eggman since that's where the sound came from. Eggman looked at his wristwatch and groaned in disappointment, "oh poo, it's officially Christmas Eve." He said. Y/n just looks at him confused.

Then everything starts to get more confusing when Eggman lowered Sonic and released him.

Eggman turns his Egg-mobile then turns to look at them, "well, I'll see you tomorrow!" He said.

Sonic and the gang, except Y/n, waves back with a small smile, "See ya then, Eggman." Sonic said.

"And I'll be sure to bring the pumpernickel bread and veggie dip for hors d'oeuvres," Eggman said.

"Don't forget your Santa suit!" Knuckles reminded, sounding excited.

Eggman chuckles, "oh, right!" Then he flies off.

Y/n turns to Sonic, "uh, what just happened?" She asked.

Sonic turns to her, "what? Christmas party at my mom's house is tomorrow, remember?" He said. As if that answers her questions.

"Yeah. But...what does that have to do with Eggman? And what was that about? Y'all sounded very buddy-buddy with each other! As if he wasn't just trying to squeeze you to death just minutes ago!" Y/n freaked out.

"Oh right. You haven't been to one of our Christmas before, huh..." Sonic said, rubbing his chin at the realization.

Tails steps in, "well, apart from that surprise years ago at Sonic's house, we celebrate Christmas together. It's just one of those days where we aren't enemies." Tails explain. After a further explanation of why this is, Y/n, still kind of weird-ed out, finally, understand.

Y/n sighs tiredly. She glances down to her finger and smiles softly at the sight of her ring. A year since her and Sonic's wedding.

"Hey, Y/n! Let's go, we still need to get ready!" Sonic called out.

Y/n turns and smiles at him before walking up to him.

"Here we are, Tails," Sonic stares at the familiar house they were walking up to, "back to where it all started."

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