Chapter 6:my fair sticky

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me and the others watched as meteors were rained down on the village sending everyone freaking out "meteors are shooting stars we shouldn't be running away we should be making wishes! i wish for a pony!" amy exclaimed "and i wish you'd take cover" sonic said grabbing amy's wrist and runs for cover while we followed behind. once we'd take cover from under a weird thing amy looked annoyed and has her arm crossed "how come your wish came true?"she asked sonic who only replied with a smirk

"should i use my meteor defense system?" sticks ask not looking away from the meteors, me and tails looked confused "you have a meteor defense system?"tails ask "i have defense system for all sorts of junks"she said, she then tap a lever for her machine that came out of nowhere and explains what they do but i didn't listen "yeah can you start with the meteors?"i ask looking a bit annoyed. she sat on her machine and targeted one meteor that was coming towards us once it got a bit closer she pulled a lever and wooden paddles was activated and it hit the meteor so that it went on a different direction "the people trying to read my thoughts one is exactly the same but with tinfoil tramp" she explained randomly on us and smiled.

---the next day---

we were all hanging at tails house amy was reading a magazine, knuckles was only sitting but looks like relaxing,tails was relaxing like knuckles,and me and sonic were drinks sonic was orange and mine was (favorite drink). the door then suddenly open we all look at what we were doing and saw sticks holding a letter "someone left this at my house"she said pointing on the letter "uh yeah the mailman it's a letter"sonic said dryly, sticks then sniffs the letter before narrowing her eyes "a letter huh? i don't paper fold it over it itself what's it hiding? what's it hiding?"

amy then approached sticks and took the letter from sticks grasp she open it, she gasped after reading it "sticks, you've been nominated for an awardy award" she exclaims, i raised an eyebrow when i heard the name 'awardy award' "they really need a better name for that" tails said. i didn't bother asking what it was "ooh lemme see"knuckles said taking the letter from amy. he took out an eye glasses and reads the letter "oh wait i can't read"he said taking off his glasses "give that"i said taking the letter from with force before reading it "in honor of saving our village the mayor cordially invites you to the awardies. huh? conveniently you may also bring your five closes pals"i said, sticks looks at all of us even at comedy chimp that came out of nowhere

"sorry comedy chimp"sonic apologize, comedy chimp sigh and leaves "now where was i? oh right 'the awardies will be at the mayor's mansion you'll dine elegant food and mingle with elegant guest, after which the awardy award will be awarded to the winner. which could be you"i said looking at sticks "i can't make it"sticks said that shock amy "what? why not?"she asked looking at sticks. sticks then pulled out a notebook "i'm slam this week see tomorrow:rummage through garbage, Wednesday:rummage through garbage with y/n, Thursday:get tetanus shot, Friday:rummage through garbage' i'm booked solid!" sticks explained when she mention my name in her schedule everyone looked shock and looked at me "you and sticks rummage through garbage?!"they asked, i gave a confused looked and nodded "yeah it's fun if you try it"i said they all eww'd and i laughed "i'm surprised you still don't talk like her"sonic said "and what is that supposed to mean?"i asked annoyed and arms crossed "nothing just saying!"he said quickly

"anyways sticks, this is honored of a lifetime"amy said trying to make sticks change her mind "yeah! you might even win the shiny trophy! you love shiny things...."tails added 'maybe i won't go either' i thought "i do love shiny things"sticks said nodding slowly "but no. no nu-uh nah!"sticks said shaking her head and looking away "sticks....are you afraid to go?"amy asked making sticks look at her "afraid? no! of course not! no way nu-uh nope...a little"sticks said looking down "sticks there's nothing to fear"amy said trying to comfort sticks "look at me i'm a feral badger i'll embarrass myself!"sticks said looking at her self "who cares what people think"sonic said "yeah everyone at this party is a windbag anyway"knuckles added he then turn to sonic and stretched his arm and started talking with an accent "what a robust mustache you have colonel grumpkin"

"why thank you madam stink bottom"sonic said with a accent and bowing. they both started laughing i couldn't help but laugh also "don't worry you'll be fine i'll teach how to be a lady"amy said "ahh lady? that's the thing that holds garbage right?"stick ask "no. a lady is a polite sophisticated member of society and you can be that! lesson 1: don't discuss garbage"amy said making sticks frowned "i'm out"stick said frowning "come on! you can do this!"amy said trying to cheer up sticks. sticks sigh "okay i'll try" "great a lady need a gala"amy said, comedy chimp appeared at the doorway everyone just stare at him "why do i even bother with you guys"he said and walk away. amy then look at sonic, sonic shook his head "no" he said sternly "please i don't wanna embarrass myself in front of fancy folk"sticks pleaded, sonic put his hands up in defeat "uh...fine but i'm not wearing pant"he said and crosses his arms. sticks ran to him and hugged him and said 'thank you' "if you want to be a lady you have to train hard. you up for it?"amy ask sticks let go of sonic and look at amy "yes! i only have one question...can i bring this snail with me?"she asked i walk closer to door before turning to the others

"well you have fun with that while i go and rummage threw garbage myself"i said i was about to run off but i was stopped by amy "what are you talking about? your coming with us silly" i turn around aand huffed "well that's the problem i don't do lady stuff i don't even know what lady's do!" i exclaimed un-folding my arms "well train with us it'll help"amy said " i'm not gonna wear anything that looks stupid in me"i said looking away from the others "oh come on y/n join us you might like it"amy said i sigh and gave in "fine, but i'm not gonna wear any make-up"i said quickly she nodded and we began our training

---at amy's shack--- lesson one:

me,sticks,and amy were practicing of 'how to be a lady' which will be useless for me "when meeting someone new start with a compliment. try say something nice about their perfume"amy said me and sticks took turns of doing this first was sticks she started sniffing amy which made uncomfortable after she sniffs she pulled back "you don't stink"stick said, i was next i went closer to amy and sniffs her ones "nice perfume"i said she smiled and we went to our next lesson

lesson 2:

sonic and sticks were standing by the entrance of amy's door and sticks's arm was folded to sonic's somehow i felt weird like i'm mad and sad mix together i don't know i'll ask amy later she knows everything about this stuff.amy was holding a stopwatch "and...go!"amy started, sonic and sticks started walking they were stop when a wooden man popped up "this is my male consort"stick said she then felt un-easy from him "and if you don't like him i'll knock you out"sticks threatened the wooden man. amy shake her head and looks at sticks "no sticks. ladies don't fight"amy said, now it was my turn when i was at the entrance with sonic and my arms folded on his i felt weird on my stomached and i wanted to get it away, i then raised my fist and punched my stomached good thing nobody notices but it still won't go away "and..go!"amy said we then started walking i was so deep in space that when the wooden popped out i quickly kicked him causing him to break to million pieces "Y/N!!"amy yelled at me

lesson 4:

we were back at amy's shack and the three of us were holding tea cups "when in doubt pinkies out"amy explained, me and sticks took our pinkies out amy nodded. sticks however drink like a dog and i was drinking not like sticks but there was sounds.amy face-palmed to this

lesson 5:

knuckles was playing a piano and tails was on the drums amy was teaching us how to dance somehow i felt that weird mixture of emotions again i wonder if this emotions are je- CRASH!!! i was cut off of my thoughts when i heard a crash i look at it and saw sonic and sticks laying on the ground "yeah i think she's ready"sonic said they stood up everyone left but for sonic i looked at him confused "aren't you going to leave?"i ask he shook his head 'no' he then offered his hand for me i didn't know what it meant but it took it anyway when i hold his hands he pushed me closer to him i looked up at him and he smirk he then started to dance i was just looking down so i wouldn't step on his feet,

i then a felt finger on my chin and it made me look up and saw sonic smirking with a tint of blush on his faced "don't look down i'm here to help you practice"he said softly i slowly nodded and we started dancing "one two step, one two turn, one two step,one two dip"i heard sonic whispered but enough for me to hear we where on a 'dip' position i felt myself blush at this "ah i see sonic thought you how to dance already"we heard a voice said, i look at the doorway still on a dip position and saw amy smirking at me and winking "oh uh just making her prepared for tonight that's all"sonic said pushing me up for me to stand "well guys i gotta go by my dress now by guys"i said "make your dress absolutely beautiful now okay?"amy ask i nodded and ran off to buy my dress.

---time skip---

all of you where at the gala well except for you, "it's my pleasure to introduce the lady sticks and her escort sir.sonic of hedgehog"amy said using a fancy voice making everyone looking at sonic and sticks that was on top of the staircase, they both went down and everyone was whispering probably about them after they got to the bottom sticks went to the other fancy people and started talking to them. "finally some chow"sonic said when he and sonic got to the dining table "asparagus crustini? hampseed quiche? goat cheese with red ridicio spread?" sonic said "the hoity-toity stiffs loves these tiny nibbles"knuckles said , the two then heard a sneezed when they look at the direction they saw sticks holding a juice and accidentally spilling on the beaver guy "uh oh gotta go"sonic said and went to sticks, when he got to her he saw sticks talking to walrus and making her angry

"sticks!"sonic said after the walrus was gone "what? it was compliment it's not like i didn't say 'she wasn't prepared for winter" sticks explained. suddenly they heard a THING! sound when they look at the direction they saw the mayor and was ready for his speech "welcome to the awardy awards where we award an awardy award for winning service! tonight one of you nominees will be awarded by your own awardy award!" the mayor finished eveyone just stared at him blank. he then walk away but not before saying "that's it i'm firing my speech writer"

and at the exact moment you came in with a beautiful dress (the picture above you pick) everyone look shocked at how you look but one caught your eye it was sonic he was looking at you while blushing you were at the top of the staircase you started walking down the stairs people still watching you once you were down sonic was there close to you he offered his hand for you and you gladly accepted it and you two walk till you reach the others but stick was gone you look ahead and saw sticks with the other nominees

sticks then started asking about the stuff in her table and the turtle explains everything to were watching what they were doing but was interrupted by sonic leaning closer to you "hey"he said smiling, you smiled back at him "hey"you replied back at him. there was a awkward silent for a few second till he spoke you again "you look beautiful today"he said blushing, you also blush from his compliment "thank look very handsome today"you said making him more blush it was true he does look handsome for you "hey y/n i want to tell you something"he said you look at him confused till he continue "i wanted too tell you this since the day we met but y/n i-"he was cut by someone squeezing at the small space that we had "excuse me.pardon me.excuse me.evil genius coming through"the person said, and pulled the turtles seat for one more space.

when the person sat we all look shock it was eggman "eggman? how did you-" "get nominated? let's just say i had a loyal base of...supporters"eggman said cutting off sonic.he had a flash back about him using one his robots to load a ballot of boxes with votes for him. 'cheater' you thought giving him a side glare without him knowing you then look back at sonic "anyways, what were you saying sonic?"you ask smiling at him he open his mouth to say something but close it ans shake his head "nothing maybe someday i'll tell you"he said 'i'll confess at her at the perfect timing'sonic thought looking at you with hopeful thoughts "ladies and gentleman, we're ready to announce this year's winner!"the mayor said interfering with sonic's thought "and the awardy goes to" there was drum roll"Leroy the turtle!"

"yes!yahoo!score one for Leroy!"Leroy said bouncing of his chair and pointing at the others "Leroy the turtle?! that award was mine! something smells fishy here"eggman said in tapping his chin "i have irritable bowl syndrome"a fish in a bowl said, eggman then growls "if you won't give me the award i'll take it!"stuffer bot then appears undeer the table"with my ballot stuffing bot! stuffer bot stuff their there ballots!"he ordered, stuffer bot then started shooting envelopes at everyone which they ignored and still continue to eat or chat "this is not quite as menacing as i hope. minions attack!" a swarm of bee bots fly in which made everyone flee except for us. sonic then spin dash a bee bot and landed next to me

"stick get em!" sonic shouts. stick looks down and shakes her head "a lady doesn't fight"she said "that's how i know you"eggman said then press the blue button on his wrist and shoot towards you and sonic making a blue bubble trapping you, he also did it to tails,knuckles,and amy "sticks we could use some help here!"tails yells to sticks "NO!"sticks said resisting her from fighting. stuffer bot then grew two arms and attack stick who easily dodge it, eggman then activated a laser behind stuffer both and started shooting sticks who was able to dodge it sticks then started to grunt "that's it!i'm sick of being proper! time to get primal!"sticks said ripping her dress of and was exchange by her usual clothing.

sticks then approaches stuffer bot and bends a spoon and throws it towards eggman who was able to dodge it then returns and hits eggmans button and freeing kuckles,tails,and amy and landing on a table knuckles was the first to stand and approaches stuffer bot it then pointed to knuckles and started shooting at him but was dodge when he was pulled out of the way by some people he talk to a while ago.sticks then jumps on eggams machine and presses his blue button this time freeing you and sonic.sonic was the first to land and catches you, he gently puts you down and he started approaching stuffer bot it. started shooting at sonic but he was able to dodge it.he then started running around it making the bot and eggman into a wild spin.

"eat garbage!" sticks said grabbing a large vase or something and throws it at eggman making the robot brake "i'll be back and this time i'll bring more ballets!more ballets!"eggaman said before him and his robots re-threatening once they were gone, everyone gathered around us "leroy you may have won the awardy but i think we can all agree that today i was the real hero"sticks said pointing at herself "yeas.but i won the award"leroy said showing his trophy "give me the shiny!"sticks said having a 'tug of war' with leroy and his trophy.finally leroy let go and stick was breathing heavy,amy then approach sticks and put her hand on her shoulder "thanks for saving our skins out there sticks. i guess it isn't proper to be proper"amy said "just following the old instincts"was sticks said "think you can teach me how to do that?"amy ask with hopeful eyes "sure"sticks said before grabbing amy's wrist and running towards a dumpster and jumping on it. you all laugh

---extended scene---

after amy got out of the dumpster slow music started to be heard inside "are there seriously going to continue this party after what happened?"you said to yourself not expecting to have and answer but you did "well no damage was done inside so why not?"the person said you look to the person and saw sonic just shrugged and look at the people who were dancing "i guess|was all you said. sonic then offered his hand for you, you look at him confused, but hold it anyway sonic then brought you to the center of the dance floor and you two started dancing "i didn't want that lesson to go too waste you know"sonic said and you two dance like you were couples and it made you happy to dance with person you love.

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