Chapter 8:double doomsday

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you and sonic were on Meh.burger for sonic's apology it was almost your turn "man i am starving, next exit: munchie town, population: us"sonic said. you and sonic were about to order when eggman cut in "hey no cutsies! i was here first"eggman yelled. you and sonic look at him shock "no way egghead we've been waiting"sonic stated as he pointed behind the line. you all then heard someone clearing his three look behind and saw dave "i believe the barrel chested gentleman with the luxurious mustache was first"he said gesturing to eggman "what?! are you serious?"sonic ask glaring at him. you then put your hand on sonic's shoulder making look at you "sonic let's not make a scene"you said making him calm

"that's how we do it! score one for eggman!"eggman stated doing an annoying victory dance making you and sonic bored "just gotta flash the stache"he said rubbing his mustache then turning around and order.after you guys ordered, you and sonic seat that's was close to eggman that was eating loudly making you two annoy "Mmm that's good!"eggman said loudly munching on his burger "how's yours over there? oh right yours isn't ready yet. should of been faster sonic!"eggman laughed. eggman keep on eating loudly which makes sonic could tell his going to stand up and beat eggman up but, just on the nick of time your food arrived "okay here we are: two double meh.burger with extra pickles"dave said putting the tray on our table with force that causes the bun on top fell.

sonic look at the pickles disgust.he look at dave annoy "i said no pickles"sonic complained, but dave didn't do anything. eggman laughed "oh this day this is just the best day ever!".sonic growl looking at the back from his shoulder glaring at eggman. you sigh and touche sonic's hand causes him to jump a little but relaxes after. he sigh and look down disappointed "sorry about this y/n. this was supposed to be a great date today"he said sadly. you put down your burger and smiled at him "it's okay soni-DATE!?"you surprised making you and him blushed "er i mean lunch not date, i mean it would be stupid if we date-wait that came out wrong"he said, you could only giggled at his face.

you were about to say something but eggman beat you "ooh! date? that's sooo cute~"eggman said and you could here his sarcastic tone which angered you.alot. "well at least i have REAL friends except for SOMEONE who sleeps with broken machines"you said which causes sonic to laugh "HEY!!"you heard eggman yelled but you two ignored him and continue with your "date"

----time skip---

after your little lunch or "date" you and sonic went to tails workshop and check on his new invention "here it is! the reverse polarizer. it takes any force and reverse it"tails explained showing his invention to you two. tails then went to there toilet and flushes it.he pressed a few buttons then pointing it at the toilet. the water flushes back up and comes out of the toilet, then went back down. "gross...but cool"you said putting your hands on your hips, "guess we won't be using this anymore"sonic said holding a plunger then throwing it away. you three then heard a knock and look at who it was, it was orbot with the plunger on his head

"hello! odd request, could i trouble you too resemble my dismantle co hart?"orbot ask gesturing to a dismantle cubot. orbot put cubot on tails desk and tails started fixing him.after a little while tails was finish fixing cubot he presses a button on him and his eyes were open and stood up "hazzah!he's fixed!"orbot cheered "cubot tells us what happened"orbot ask "it's dave, he dismantled me! and i like being mantled"cubot said fixing his eyes like they are glasses "wow! i'm reading two weird signatures from eggmans lair"tails said looking at his and sonic butted in and look at the dots "what are they?"sonic ask

"judging from how powerful and unstable they are. i'd say they could only be some kind of doomsday device.two of them!"tails exclaimed "well what are we waiting for? let's go!"you said and they all nodded and you all left. when you all got to eggmans lair. you and sonic crashed at eggmans wall and walk into the room "game over eggman! shut off the doomsday devices"sonic yelled. "shut off? who puts an off switch on a doomsday device?"eggman laughed which makes a valid point. "hm you make a valid point"sonic said. he then contact tails "tails bad news there's no off switch"sonic said at the communicator "well duh, who puts an off switch on a doomsday device ?"tails repeated

"so what now?"you ask threw the communicator "well-"but before tails can finish his sentence you cut him off "and if your gonna explain it too us tails. remember me and sonic aren't geniuses so please make it simple for us"you heard tails sigh on the communicator "get eggman to increase the devices power.i'll do the same with dave"tails hang-up. "eggman!"sonic said running towards eggman you and the two robots following behind "dave super charge his machine with 100-volt batteries!"

"high voltage batteries batteries huh? i'll show him"eggman said taking off his party hat and went to a closet.he pressed some buttons and it open and we saw one battery and nothing else.after a few more charging it was time we saw the meter on half eggman punched and it went full. after a few seconds both powers were released. both were on the sky powering up which causes them to disappear "what the what?"dave said confused."hey sweet! we did it!"tails cheered.but a black hole then appeared in then sky "what the what?"sonic exclaimed

you,sonic,and tails went outside and saw the black hole sucking some stuff "there must have been some small power discrepancy"tails explained.sonic then took out a battery then threw it away "let's not point fingers the important thing is how are we gonna reverse it!?"he asked "that's it! my reverse polarizer"tails said pulling out his device "if you can get close enough you can reverse the gravitational pull and force it to close it on it's self!" "but..."sonic said looking at tails "but if your too slow you'll be pulled into the black hole forever and all existence will be erased"tails finished

"to slow? HA! you forgot who your talking too"sonic laughed and grabbed tails device. sonic ran off and went to the side of the building and on stop at the top he look up for a second before he starts jumping into the things that were being pulled by the black hole. once he got close enough he activated the device then throws it inside the black hole then he started going back down but thanks to the things were being hit at him it was hard.once he got out it exploded, you and tails had to cover your eyes because off the flash of the light

sonic landed really hard that made a hole on the ground. you and tails ran towards him and stop, you bent and look at sonic "so you still think a plunger wouldn't work just as well?"tails joke.sonic smirk and the two of you help him out once he was out you quickly hug him,that surprises him but returned it you snuggled at his chest, but quickly pulled away and both of you were blushing with a nervous smile "hehe come on let's go home"sonic said you and tails nodded and left. but what you and sonic didn't know tails took a photo of you two hugging like you and him were couples.

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