Chapter 20: sonic is JEALOUS~!!!!!!

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Sonic's pov

y/n and shadow left leaving me with the gang. i saw them laughing,eat launch together, and etc, okay i was jealous.a lot. "look at those two, there being lovey dovey and stuff"knuckles said, increasing my jealously. i din't even notice i was crushing my burger "look's like someone jealous~!!!!"i heard amy sang "j-jealous?! pfft yeah right"i said, trying to keep my cook but failing "yeah right"tails chuckled, then i sense something wrong "hey guys, where little me and little tails?"i ask looking around, they shrugged and continue eating there burger "hey look guys, y/n and shadow are holding hands"knuckles said, making me do a spit-take "WHAT?!"i exclaimed, the others started smirking and look were knux was looking a while ago

"hey your right"amy agreed,"um guys, i'm gonna do some....stuff"i said,i quickly ran off and well hide in a bush and spy on y/n "hahaha! so wait, you mean to tell me your closet for clothes are just for your guns?"y/n ask, laughing "yes,i don't need clothes"shadow said, calmly while y/n just laugh her butt off man her laugh is so cute i thought blushing "so how's your spying?"i heard someone whisper behind, making me jump a little. i turn around and saw the gang and little me and little tails where did they come from? ​​i thought/ask myself "well?"tails ask "i'm not spying, well i am for good reasons!"i whisper yell at them "oh yeah then what is it?"amy ask, smirking "um, to protect y/n of course, who knows that 'shadow' guy might be hiding something and soon, back-stab y/n"i said, half lie and half true

"hey shadow how much time do we still have left?"y/n ask, shadow check his watch before answering her "3 hours" y/n frowned and look down "man, that's unfair"y/n said, pouting how cute i thought smiling "well what else we can do?"shadow ask, y/n thought for a second answering "we can hang with the gang"y/n chirped "is faker going to be there?"shadow ask, i growl since i know his talking about me. i'm pretty sure y/n knows it to because she crossed her arms and glared at him "don't talk about sonic like that, his not so bad once you get to know him"y/n said the last part happily "why do you even hang-out with them especially that faker?"shadow ask, once again crossing his arms

"cause his nice,funny,sweet, and also a runner like the two of us"y/n answered, i blushed at how she described me "hmph! fine"shadow said, y/n cheered,"YAY! okay just let me call theme ask them where they are"y/n pressed her communicator. ours went off and it started ringing, she heard the ring and she started walking towards us.oh no. when she got to the bush we were at, she peek thew the whole and our eyes met. "i know your there guys"she said, sighing we walk out of our hiding place "what were you guys doing?"y/n ask her hands on her hips, her eyes narrowed "we were um we-"i stop when y/n put her hand in a stop motion

"never mind, so you guys wanna hang with me and shadow?"she ask, gesturing to shadow "uh sure"i said, shrugging my shoulders "GREAT"y/n chirped. we all started walking around the village and started talking about our self's, we learn about shadow to turns out his the 'ultimate life form', also a protector to a girl named 'maria', and etc "oh looks like it's time"shadow said, i then saw y/n frowned her ears flattening, i'm pretty sure shadow notice this too because he went to y/n and hugged her "don't be sad y/n i promised to come and visit"shadow said petting her soft,silky ​​​ hair, "promised?"y/n ask looking at him with hope in her eyes "promised"shadow said, y/n gave a sad smile before letting go.

but before shadow could leave, he kissed y/n on cheek making her blush and making ME furious. shadow took a few step back before teleporting, my face was red from anger and i can tell little me is too, y/n turn around and notice my (angry) look "sonic you alright?"she ask, stepping closer to me making me blush good she can' tell "y-yeah i'm a-alright"i stammer "then why are you so red?" she ask again, before i could say anything else the gang beat me and screamed something that made me want to die from humiliation "sonic is JEALOUS~!!!!!! " they sang making me blush more, i'm pretty sure i also y/n blush but had a confuse look please somebody kill me now

Love For Speed (Sonic X Reader)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon