Midnight Man

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A velvet sky laced in a honeydew hue,
A perfect night with a sunset muse.
Golden like lions scaring the night to a gray,
Reds disappear like a candlelit flame.

The midnight man casts his gloom on this town,
With a wicked smile amongst his furrowed brow.
His teeth barred to show the stars, as his eyes are the moonlight,
His arms the constellations,  hidden in galaxies you'll never find.

His howls are heard through the winds whispered thoughts,
His heart is the city, his veins the sidewalks.
His suit a navy that colours the corners in the dark,
His tie the shades of houses after they allow their lights to depart.

He cannot stay longer as his brother comes home,
He leaves without a word, his eyes now tired, what once was fire, now ash against coal.
"Don't be upset" his brother hums in your head,
"For he will be back to dance with you again"

You let your lids flutter, to hold the day in your hands,
Never letting yourself get lost in the midnight man.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 27, 2020 ⏰

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