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Darkness hiding in my daylight, poison at my fingertips,
A rose to hold my thorns upright
Your fears are falling from my lips.

Mirror Mirror on my chest, show the perfect pretty mess, as wondrous as my dying breath, as unholy as the promises I left, sitting by the shore,

As you know I've gone dark, my ignoble tongue has left its mark, I've simply gained a broken heart,  I'm rotten to the core.

You know me as a sweet lullaby,
Lilac cheeks and hopeful eyes,
You should know the hope was built on lies, and I hope you know the lilac turned to white.

The purity I once held slipped through the windows broken glass, broken through years of holding the rain and thunder back, the harp that played my song through the chambers of my chest, is still, yet to sing, till my soul is put to rest.
Hey it's been a while, I've been off here for a heck of a long time  and that's due to finding myself writing songs more often than poems, and although they are basically the same thing, songs don't seem to have the same emotion put into them as poems do so I decided not to post them. So this just popped into my head and I really missed how writing felt and I feel like ill probably do more since school is starting soon.

Ps just looked at my old stuff on here and I'm quaking cause my grammar did not exist I'm so sorry for my clownery.


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