A New Love Sparkles

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One Saturday afternoon, while Roxy was reading a book in the living room and Tara and Harlow cleaning up after lunch, there was a knock on the door.

"I'll get it.", Harlow replied as she walks up to the door and opens it. It was Kyle, who arrive with flowers, chocolates and a cute Teddy bear. "Kyle!", Harlow replied. "Hello, Harlow. Is Roxy here?", Kyle asked.

"Yeah, she's right here.", Harlow replied, and Roxy looks up and saw Kyle at the front door. Kyle walks in the apartment, and Tara and Harlow walks out of the room, we'll be on the balcony.", Tara replied, as she and Harlow left.

"Hi.", Roxy smiled. "Hey! How are you feeling?", he asked. "I'm pretty good actually, and thanks for saving me that day, I really appreciate it.", Roxy smiled. Kyle sat down on the couch next to her. "No worries. Oh, these are for you.", Kyle replied, presenting her his gifts. 

"Aww, you shouldn't have.", Roxy smiled, taking the gifts in her hands. Roxy held the flowers in her hands. "Pink roses are my favourite.", Roxy smiled.

"Really?", he asked. "Yep.", Roxy laughed. "Well that's good.", Kyle smiled. Roxy cuddle her new Teddy bear and opened the card. "Cute. I love it.", Roxy smiled. "I'm glad.", Kyle replied. Roxy open her chocolate box and offer one to Kyle. "Have one.", Roxy replied, giving him a piece of chocolate.

"Thanks.", he replied, taking it and pop it in his mouth. Roxy and Kyle spend the afternoon, talking and having chocolates. They even watched a movie together on Netflix and Kyle help her get some snacks from the kitchen. 

That night, Harlow and Tara are preparing dinner, while Roxy and Kyle are still watching a movie. "You're staying for dinner, Kyle?", Tara asked. "Yeah sure. What are you ladies making?", Kyle asked. 

"Lamb chops.", Harlow replied. "Sounds great!", Kyle replied. Later, they sat down and have dinner together. "Looks delicious, ladies.", Kyle replied. "Thank you, Kyle. We're just doing our best, to take over Roxy's chores.", Tara replied. 

"Well, someone has to do it, while she recovers from her injuries.", Harlow replied. "True that, Harls.", Roxy smiled. Everyone then laugh and enjoy dinner.

That night, Harlow and Tara are in their rooms, about to go to sleep, as Kyle is about to head off home. Roxy escorts him to the front door. "Thanks for coming over, I really appreciate it.", Roxy replied. "No worries, happy to be here and glad to see you're ok.", Kyle smiled.

Roxy laugh at his words. "Well, goodnight.", Kyle replied. "Yeah, goodnight.", Roxy smiled, as she was about to walk back, but lost her balance, and was about to fall. "Whoa!", Kyle cried, as he quickly catches her in his arms and Roxy drop her crutches to the floor. 

Roxy held onto Kyle's arms tight and she looks up at him. He look down at her, as he slowly leans in and kisses her. Roxy kisses him back and both of them were surprise by the kiss. "Sorry, I shouldn't have done that.", Kyle replied.

"Oh, no. It's ok.", Roxy replied. Kyle looks at her, and she grab his face and kisses him. "Now we're even.", Roxy smiled and they laugh. Kyle held her hand and kisses it. Roxy blush at his gesture. "I'll see you tomorrow.", Kyle replied. "Yep, see you tomorrow.", Roxy smiled.

Kyle pick up her crutches and hand them to her. Roxy smiles and takes them, and was about to walk back inside. Kyle stops her for a second. "Uhh...", he whispered, pulling her gently, close to him. Roxy looks at him and he lift her close to him, kissing her once more.

"Goodnight, Rox.", Kyle sighed. "Goodnight.", Roxy smiled, as she slowly backs herself inside the apartment and shuts the door, and Kyle drives off. Roxy returns to her room and lay in bed, thinking about the kiss and Kyle. She smiles to herself and drift off to sleep.


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