Returning to Australia

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It's been 10 years since Tara and her family have departed Australia and moving to Los Angeles, USA to start a new life after losing their hotel business in Australia. Ever since Tara moved all the way to the US, she thought about Noah every single day and missing him every day.

She kept on wondering that he's been up to, after their last encounter with each other. Throughout her life, she was a straight A student and one of the popular girls of her high school, but unlike all popular high school girls, she never had a boyfriend or started dating anyone.

Because, she wanted to mainly focus on her education and her future, not wanting to waste her years, dating and being in a relationship with someone. Today, she's 18 years old and just recently graduated from high school. She's now trying to enrol herself to Sydney University.

For Tori, she's now 20 years old and is at university in LA, studying law, hoping to become a lawyer one day. For Paul and Meg, they successfully run a 5 star hotel in the city of Los Angeles together, and making loads of money. On Christmas Day, Tara receives an email from Sydney University, telling her that she got in, delighting her.

"I got in!", Tara cried. "What?", Meg asked. "I got into Sydney University!", Tara cried. The family gasp in surprise and they group hug together with joy. "We're so happy for you, Tara.", Paul smiled. "We're so proud of you, darling.", Meg smiled. "You must be for happy.", Tori smiled.

"I am, but that means. I'm leaving you guys and I'll be flying back to Australia.", Tara sighed. "Oh, Tara. You're not leaving us. You're just going back for uni.", Paul replied. "And maybe you can try reconnect with the Keatings.", Meg replied.

"I don't know Mum. It's been 10 years since we've last seen them and I don't know if they still live in the same neighbourhood.", Tara replied. "I'm sure they will be.", Paul replied. That night, Tara and her family went to their favourite restaurant for dinner, to celebrate.

A month later, the night before Tara departs for university, Tara's family and friends host a small farewell party for Tara. "I can't believe you're ready leaving tomorrow, Tara.", Tori replied. "I know, I'm not looking forward to it at all, Tori.", Tara replied.

"I know, but you'll be fine. You're so lucky to fly back home. I wish I could return back to Australia.", Tori smiled. "You will Tori, and you will see Lee again.", Tara smiled. Tori began to blush when she heard Lee's name, as Tara knew Tori has a thing for Lee.

"Stop it, Tara. Lee and I aren't happening.", Tori replied. "Yeah right!", Tara giggled. "Ok, girls. Enough with this nonsense.", Meg replied, breaking up the two girls. The family then resumes the party and everything was going great for the evening.

The next day, Tara and her family were at the airport, as Tara is about to depart for Australia. After checking her bags in, Tara was about to go through the security and prepare her flight, before doing so, she bid farewell to her family. "This is it.", Tara sighed.

"I can't believe you're really going.", Meg replied. "Me too, Mum.", Tara smiled. "Ok, you got your passport?", Meg asked. "Yes, Mum.", Tara sighed. "Did you pack enough clothes?", Meg asked. "Yes, Mum!", Tara sighed with annoyance as Tori laugh at them.

"Now, make sure you call us every single day.", Meg replied. "Yes, Mum!", Tara sighed. "Meg, leave the poor girl alone.", Paul replied. "Mum, I will call you every day, I promise.", Tara replied. "Oh, I'm going to miss you so much, Tara.", Meg cried as she hugs her tight, not wanting to let go. Then, Tori goes in to stop her.

"Ok, Mum. Me next!", Tori replied. Meg shook her head and kept hugging Tara. "Mum, come on.", Tori replied. Meg then lets Tara go, so Tori could say her goodbyes. "I'm going to miss you, T.", Tara replied. "I'm going to miss you too.", Tori sighed and the two sisters hug and they both quietly cried.

"Say hello to Lee, for me.", Tori sighed. "I will.", Tara smiled. Then Paul hugs Tara, before giving her a quick talk. "Now remember, behave and look after yourself and be careful. If there's a problem, give us a call straight away.", Paul replied. "I will, Dad. Don't worry.", Tara smiled. "Goodbye, sweetheart.", Paul sighed. "Bye, Dad.", Tara cried.

Then Tara's flight makes their final call. "Ok, you better get going, you don't want to be late for your flight.", Meg replied. "Goodbye, guys. I love you all so much.", Tara cried, as she walks up to the escalator, which leads to the security checking point.

Her family watches as she goes up, and she watches them as she goes all the way to the top. Minutes later, Tara got onboard her plane and looked through the window, as the plane is about to take off for Australia.

After a 19 hour flight, Tara is finally arrived to Sydney. She looked through her window and saw the beautiful view of Sydney. She is finally back, after 10 years. "Finally, back home at last.", Tara sighed. The plane landed and Tara takes a taxi to her apartment, near the Sydney University.

Upon her arrival, she goes to find her apartment and goes inside. In there, it was modern, beautiful and stylish. Then two girls came out and saw Tara. "Oh, hello.", one of them replied. "Oh, hi.", Tara replied.

"You must be Tara, right?", the other asked. "Yes, I am.", Tara replied. "I'm Roxy. I'm one of your housemates.", Roxy replied, offering her hand to Tara. Tara shake Roxy's hand. "This is Harleen.", Roxy smiled. "I prefer Harlow.", Harlow replied, shaking Tara's hand. "Nice to meet you all.", Tara smiled.

After meeting her housemates, Tara unpack her bags and boxes of stuff in her room. Both Roxy and Harlow offers her a lending hand. After settling into her new apartment and unpacking, Tara FaceTime her family.

"So, you settled into your new place?", Meg asked. "Yes, Mum. I'm all settled and finished unpacking.", Tara replied. "And you met your housemates?", Meg asked. "Yes, Mum. Both of them are really nice.", Tara smiled. "Well that's great honey.", Meg smiled.

"I miss you guys already.", Tara sighed. "We miss you too, darling.", Paul replied. "Anyways, I have to go now, my housemates and I are going out to dinner.", Tara replied. "Ok, sweetheart. We'll leave you to be.", Meg sighed. "I'll call you tomorrow.", Tara sighed.

"Ok, sounds good. Goodnight, darling.", Paul replied. "Goodnight, I love you guys.", Tara sighed. "We love you too.", Meg sighed and the FaceTime call ended. Then, Roxy knock on Tara's bedroom door. "Hey, you're ready to go out for dinner?", Roxy asked.

"Yeah, where's Harlow?", Tara asked. "She's still FaceTiming her fiance.", Roxy rolled her eyes. Harlow was in her room, FaceTiming her fiance, Hendrix, who is study at Melbourne University. "I miss you so much, babe.", Hendrix replied. "I know, me too. I wish you were here.", Harlow sighed.

"I promise you, I'll be back in Sydney in a few days.", Hendrix replied. "I know you will. Anyways, I gotta go, I'm going out to dinner with my housemates.", Harlow replied. "Ok, my roommate and I are going out too, but I'll call you tomorrow?", Hendrix asked. "Sounds good.", Harlow smiled.

"Goodnight babe. I love you.", Hendrix sighed. "Goodnight and I love you too.", Harlow smiled and the call ended. Roxy and Tara were watching them from her bedroom door. Harlow looked at saw her housemates smiling at her.

"What?", she asked. "Nothing!", Roxy and Tara replied at the same time. "Come on, let's go to dinner. I'm hungry.", Harlow replied, and the three girls left their apartment and went to dinner at a restaurant near their apartment.

After dinner, the girls returned to their apartment and got ready for bed, so they could wake up early for their first day at uni. As Tara, lay in bed, and looked at an old photo frame of her with Noah. "I hope I'll see you again, my friend.", Tara sighed, as she smiled and went to bed.

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