Chapter 23

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"Hey Zeke!" I whisper shout across the floor of the control room. Zeke dosen't even turn his head, his new headphones must be sound drowing.

"Zeke!" I whisper a little louder, he scartches behind his ear. I get up, and walk across the room to Zeke. I pull on his shoulder, he turns his head. He raises his eyebrows questingly. Gus, my supervisor walks over to Zekes computer.

"Whats going on?" he ask after a sip of coffee

"I just needed to talk to Zeke. Could we get the rest of the day off, theres only a couple hours left"

"Sure go ahead.  You worked a few extra hours yesterday so I guess its alright"

Thanks Gus. See you next week" I shake Gus's hand and walk out with Zeke at me heels

"You needed to talk to me why?" Zeke questions

" Look man its been a little less than a year and I think Tris is ready to get married"

" Okay...?"

"So, I'm going to ask her to marry me"

"Alright thats great but..." his voice wanders

"But what?"

"Maybe we should ask Shauna and Lynn have been talking more than usual."

"I don't know"

"look you asked me for my opppinon on it and I gave it too you"

"I love her, I know that. but I just, I just I don't know what to do!"I thorw my hands in the air in defeat

"Look Four, I just don't want to see you get  hurt"

"Zeke s not me who I'm worried about, I'll be fine. Its Tris. If I ever hurt her I couldn't live with myself.  Shes...shes "

" I know, I know" Zeke puts his hand on my shoulder, comforting me. I stand up, small smile on my face.



"Okay so I guess I'm going to talk to Shauna?"

"Yeah I think thats best"

"Alright lets go


"So what do you think?" I ask Shauna

" Look, Four. I know how serious you are about things, I know you love her. Anyone with eyes can see. But just make sure you know what your getting yourself into, marriage is a big step. I just want you to know 'Cause in the end its not gonna be me or Zeke or anyone else, its gonna be you and Tris. Of course you can always come to me for help, I'm always willing to offer you advice, wether its good or bad "

I'm sitting on the couch with my knees shaking, my right hand cracking the knuckles of the left. I look up at Shauna.

"Guess I better get another ring. Can you help me pick it out?"

A smile grows on her face, a knowing smile, like she was my older sister.

"Alright, so we're going to the ring shop?" Shauna asks

"Yeah .Lets go"


"How about this one?" Shauna points to another ring

"I don't think so"

"Four how have you not seen one that you even remotely like we've shown you fifteen"

" I know, I know. But it has to be perfect"

"Alright fine"

I look down into the glass box. A sliver ring catches my eye.

"Can I see that one, on the top right?"

"Sure" He reaches in the box and pulls out the ring

I examine the ring. Its plain but not boring, its not  large but its not small.

"What do you think?" I show Shauna

"I like it. it seems very Tris"

"You think I should get it?"

" Four I already told you its your call" I take one more glance at it.

"I'll take this one" I tell the man

"Are you aware of the cost?"

"Oh Yeah, of course. I can cover it"

"Its one-hundred credits"

"Yes, I'm aware"

"Your sure you can afford it"

"Yes I'm sure. Just give me the box" Anger creeps into my voice

"Alright here can I have it so I can put it in the box" I hand him the ring so he can put it on the box

"Can I have the credits or do you need to make a morgage"

I had  him my credit card and grab the the bag with the ring iin it. He hands me back my credit card, and I walk out with Shauna a step behind me.

"Can you believe the nerve of that guy?" Shauna says obviously annoyed

'' Yeah what ever"

"So when are you gonna propose to Tris?" Shauna asks trying to change the subject

"I've got a few ideas

Hry guys!!

So what did you think?? Comment


Sorry its so short I'm trying to make my chpaters longer since the book only has 7 chapters left. I think once I finish writing it I'm going to go back and obviously edit the chapters but I'll try to make them longer. I'll also take out all the authors notes. Once I finsh this story i'm thinking about writing abother book but not a Divergent fanfiction. Would y'all read it?? (Tris ring is the side pic)

Stay Dauntless and Be Brave

Marie Rivers

Divergent: No War {Completed}Where stories live. Discover now