Chapter 29

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VERY important A/O at the end of this chapter so please stick around and read it!

Now on to the chapter...


"You ready?" Tobias asks walking into my bedroom.

"Yep" I pop the 'p'. It's been a couple of weeks since we- Tobias and I- decided to see my parents.

Today I see them for the first time in almost two years. The thought makes me giddy with excitement.

"Alright then let's go." Tobias grabs my hand, pulling me off the bed into his arms. He kisses the top of my head gently, then grabs my hand. He leads me out the door of my bedroom into the hall.


I always loved being on the roof. The cool wind sending shivers down my spine, creating goose bumps all over my body. Every nerve singing one note.


Every cell, pulsating. Singing the same song. Alive, alive, alive.

I lean my head back, my throat fully exposed, the back of my head against my shoulders .Inhaling through my nose I take in the sweet scent of gasoline and asphalt, mingling in the air.

I take in another breath raising my shoulders. I feel eyes on my back and turn around.

There stands Tobias, looking at me a small smile on his face. I blush lightly and put my face into my shoulder. He walks over to me slowly, his arms go around my shoulders, he kisses the tip of my nose, and pulls me into a long embrace.

His chin rests on the top of my head. My eyes close as I wrap my hands around his waist, and rest my head on his shoulder. I listen to his heart beat, slow but so fast at the same time, if that's even possible. I breath in, sweat, salt and soap, all so familiar, but so unfamiliar at the same time.

Neither of us say a single word, just happy to be in each others arms.

After what felt like hours, I hear the soft sound of the train's horn in the distance.

I pull out of Tobias' arms, wipe any dust off my jeans, and face the train tracks, awaiting it's arrival.

He stands next to me, reaches for my hand, I meet it halfway there, and smile as his fingers lace with mine.


"Tris it's time to jump off" Tobias informs me, looking out the train door. I get up and stand next to him, preparing to jump.

He goes before I do, jumping into the soft green grass below. I take two or three steps back to build up speed. I run at full speed out of the train and jump into the grass. When my feet collide with the ground I run several more steps to regain my balance. I look up, trying to find Tobias. He is several yards ahead of me walking briskly toward the Abnegation sector.

I run forward, stopping a few steps away from Tobias, slowing to a walk as I reach his side. He doesn't look at me but he grabs my hand as I near him.
"Tobias?" I say, looking up towards him.
"Hmm" he replies.
"What do you think my parents will think of this?" I nod toward our interlocked hands.
Continuing the pace, he speaks.
"I'm not sure. I don't know your parents very well, but I know their sensible people, and that they trust you. That they trust you enough to make your own decisions.
" And that in the short amount of time I get to see them today, I can try and prove to them how much I love you, and hope thats enough." He says confidently, but there's nervousness there too.

"That will be enough" I say with total confidence. He reaches over and and kisses my forehead.


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