Chapter Tris

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Tobias's P.O.V.

I'm taking Tris to the pit to ger us some new things called 'phones' there so you can talk to peoplewhen your in different places. Which would be great for Tris and I so I can always find her. They are having the 'job ceremony' tomorrow night, I'm glad Max posponed it cause I didn't want Tris stuck with a job she didn't want.

"Why are we in the pit? " Tris asks

"I'm going to get you something"

"What might that something be?"

" Maybe I"ll tell you if you tell me what jobs your picking tomorrow? "

" Nope, " she says popping the 'p' " you can till tomorrow"

"Then you can wait ten minutes " I say, she pouts.

We finally reach the new 'Verizon' Store. Tris smirks at me. I laugh in reply.

I go inside and instantly I'm lost, Phones are like tiny conputers so they shouldn't be that difficult for me.

" My girlfriend and I would like a phone " I say to the lady at the desk,her ear pierced so many times you can barely see any skin at all, and her eyebrows are the same way just not as bad.

"Which one would you like?" she say gesturing to what I guess are phones.

"Um... what are the newest what?"

"well that would be the Galaxy SS5"

"Um ok I'll take two of those, and do you have a phone for my apartment?"

"Okay wonderful, for your apartment those would be other there." she says pointing to some bigger phones with a base. I pick one that is silver and black.

"Okay with the two moblie phones and the one for your apartment that would be 100 points" she says with a smile although I'm not smiliing. Thats alot of points although to keep Tris safe I'll do anything.

I hand her my points card she swipes it and we're off the our new phones.

"Are you okay you didn't say one thing the whole time?" I ask Tris

"yeah I'm fine but Tobias that was a lot points are sure you wanted them?"

"Of course I wanted them they'll help me keep you safe and I would give any amount of points not to menchin my life!" I say to her a litle louder than I meant to

"Okay okay and thank you" She say while putting her hand up in retreat then kissing my cheek very slowly. I smile from ear to ear. Tris laughs

*******Time laspe***********

Tris's P.O.V.

I should get going to the job ceremony. I'm glad Max posponed it for me that would have been horrible. I call Tobias telling him its time to go. He answer on the first ring.(Tris normal Tobias Bold italicsTris's thoughts)

Hey baby, whats up?

Baby? thats new

I thought I would try it out, what do you think?

I don't know let me ask my boyfriend.

Boyfriend says yes.

okay well anyway its time to go to the job ceremony remember?

Yeah of course I remembered! I'm coming over right now. Wait isn't someone at the door?

I can feel him smirking through the phone. then theres a knock on the door

i open it and there stands Tobias with a smirk just as I thought.

Okay well I"ll have to call you back.

*****end of call**********

"Ready to go my darling?" Tobias ask holdong his hand out for me to grab. Glady I grab it.

"Always" I lean in to give him a kiss on the cheek but, he turns his head last second and I land on his lips. I pull away with a smirk on my face.

"Really?" I say

"Of course" he says

I Jump on his back and yell " To the ceremony peasant!" "Yes princess!" He yells in reply and were off to the ceremony.

okay what did you think? I know Its not very long but I try Comment your feedback




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