Cadet Reverse

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"So you're telling me that you just defeated Fireball in five minutes?" The commander goggled at Reverse. "Yes, sir, I did." Reverse choked slightly on his words.

He was having a hard time trying to hold back from laughing. This small alien commander could not recognize him! Was a skunk butt rug seller that forgettable? Boboiboy had already been laughing his head off when the commander didn't recognize him.

"Name and age please. We need to recruit you." Commander Kokoci said, clapping his hands together. Almost immediately, Reverse's face dropped into a scowl. "I decline." Reverse said, "I highly prefer working alone over working under someone." Reverse glared slightly at the commander.

"I'm here to collect my bounty, and only my bounty." 

This utter baffoon. Did he not understand simple malay? He was going to get out of here with his money and that was all that would happen.

The commander merely glanced at him through his glasses. "Aren't you tricky." Commander Kokoci wiped some dust off his sleeve. "A bribe?" He asked, in a tone that promised good outcome.

Reverse raised a eyebrow at him. A bribe? That was unheard of in TAPOPS, especially from someone with such a clean record as Commander Kokoci. 

For the commander to sink as low as this, must mean he's desperate. Is he really such a must need for TAPOPS? Is Boboiboy not enough? His brother is a very impressive hero, and he'd beat that thought into this commander if he needed to. 

"Make it quick." Reverse commanded, "I'm sure you won't want anyone see you try to bribe someone into joining, hm?" Reverse smirked.

Turning towards the door, Reverse called out, "Boboiboy, go on without me. I'll catch up." 

Boboiboy, standing outside the commander's door, blinked in curiosity. "Okay! See you later!" Stepping away from the wall, he walked his jolly way to the canteen. Boboiboy stared at the tiny aliens who were cleaning up the mess. He sighed and scratched the back of his head.

Where were his friends anyway? Boboiboy looked around, hoping to catch any hint of spiky purple hair or a flowy pink head scarf. "Guys?" Boboiboy called out. 

If any of his friends were nearby, they would've responded, but it was so silent you could hear a pin drop. Boboiboy sighed again, louder this time. He yawned and stretched. He really didn't think Reverse would stick around for long. 

Reverse would be going back to doing whatever he did all the time-and Boboiboy would go back to being a hero. It made him.. a little sad, to be honest. And for Reverse to be unable to meet up with Tok Aba, too. He's sure Tok would have been so happy. 

It would be another- maybe around ten years until they could meet again in secret. Reverse was violent, and his character was nothing like a hero's.. so he doubted his friends would really enjoy having him around anyway. 

After a long stroll around the station, and a visit to the toilet, he headed back to his room. He almost jumped out of his skin when he saw a white haired figure sitting on his bed, with a tied up and muffled Gopal worming around on the floor.

Gopal must have been a bit too loud for Reverse's liking. Boboiboy almost laughed at Reverse's extreme way of getting Gopal to shut up.

Shaking his head, Boboiboy stepped into the room. "How did the meeting go?" Boboiboy said calmly, unzipping his hoodie and chucking it at the bed, his cap following shortly after.

Reverse hopped off the bed and ripped the gag off Gopal's mouth, slicing away the ropes with his dagger, which was in fact, still covered in blood from whatever poor victim that had fallen to Reverse. 

I collected my bounty and honestly have no idea what possessed me to let myself get recruited by that skunk suck up, Reverse wanted to answer, but decided against it.

''Made a deal with him. I've been recruited, Boboiboy. He lets me earn mounds of cash for what I do, and in return, whatever you freaks do." Reverse scrunched up his face, obviously displeased at the now sinking in reality that he was now a TAPOPS cadet. 

Gopal was totally ice cold in fear, and he couldn't get a single word out his mouth. He fainted, foam bubbling out his mouth. Boboiboy couldn't care less that Gopal had fainted, since it happened often and he was fine whenever it happened.

"Really?!" Boboiboy screeched, "You're gonna be here, at TAPOPS, too? Imagine the things we could do!" Boboiboy said in glee, smiling so wide his cheeks hurt.

"We're gonna spend so much time together you have no idea." Plans were already forming themself in his head, like how they could visit the beach or maybe even share a room -  this current one could become Gopal's one for all he cared. 

Sorry Gopal, but family over friends. 

Reverse looked Boboiboy up and down, also not caring that Gopal fainted. "Lets start off by seeing how well you've improved. To the training field." Reverse nodded towards the door. Boboiboy smirked to himself. 

He was going to show Reverse how much he improved since these few years passed.

He was going to beat Reverse.

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