Test Results Pt.2

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Gopal stared dumb founded at Reverse.

"So you're telling me, you had a brother this whole time and you never told me?!"Gopal shrieked.

"Twin brother, actually."Boboiboy said,a headache starting to form from their screaming.

"Wah, He looks so much like you! Except for the white hair and-"Ying was cut off by Boboiboy finishing her sentence.

"And the brown streak ,yes, I know, I know,"Boboiboy groaned, his headache starting to grow.

"So that was why you-"Fang started.

"Ran so fast to the infirmary,yeah."Boboiboy grunted. His headache was killing him like hellfire.

Gopal stared at Boboiboy with wide eyes.

"Ugh,what?"Boboiboy asked,starting to massage his temples.

"H-he's awake!You didn't tell me he had blood red eyes!He looks like a murderer-"Gopal stuttered.

"Gopal! That's bad manners! "Ying shushed him.

Boboiboy, hearing this, turned his head to look in Reverse direction.

"Hi brother.." Reverse smiled. Though it looked creepy, straight out of a horror movie, even, Boboiboy knew it was a genuine smile.

"Reverse!"Boboiboy instantly trapped Reverse in a bear hug, squeezing tight.

Reverse then looked up at Gopal.

"Who are these ..?"Reverse asked. He had pulled out a tiny blade on instinct, beginning to grow hostile at the sight of unfamiliar faces. He was in unknown territory, after all.

"Oh, these are just my friends, " Boboiboy says,  "Yaya, Ying, Fang and Gopal!" 

Reverse raises an eyebrow at Gopal, Yaya and Ying. "These bags of shit have been following you around?" Reverse looked absolutely disgusted. "You need better taste in ... friends." 

"Hey! What about Fang? Why didn't you say something bad about him?" Gopal said in defense." Are you trying to make me feel guilty?" Reverse replied, voice stone cold.

It sent a shiver down Gopal's spine. "Eek!"Gopal cried and his behind Boboiboy's back. Boboiboy sighed. 

You total coward, Gopal! Man up!  Though he'd never say it to his friend's face.

"Help me, Boboiboy!" Gopal shrieked, "Your brother is a level ten maniac!" 

Reverse just grinned, much like the apparent insane psychopath Gopal was making him out to be.

"It's fun teasing your friends. I guess they are fun companions." Reverse smirked at Gopal with amusement.

"Ah, come on, Reverse.. You can't just scare Gopal because he's the most chicken of our group." Boboiboy scolded.

"Alright, alright.." Boboiboy had a sneaking suspicion that went in Reverse's left ear and out the right. "Oh, you've made friends with Privat Pang?!" Reverse said incredulously, a wide grin splitting his face.

"Amazing. I've been wanting to meet up with Kaizo, so we can spar, like we used to." Reverse said casually. Fang blinked, obviously having never heard about Reverse from Kaizo.

"Woi! Captain Kaizo's super powerful wo! Are you sure you wanna fight him?" Ying asked.

"Captain Kaizo isn't much of a challenge to me. You managed to defeat him when you were around twelve, did you not? If you manage, then if I had fought him genuinely, he would be nothing but a simple hindrance for me." Reverse tapped the handle of his blade.

Boboiboy struggled not to smirk, a little pleased that Reverse had heard about him and Fang's feat back when they were twelve, totally triumphing over Captain Kaizo. 

I mean, it was impressive, right? 

Ying hmph-ed, placing her hands on her hip, a little unbelieving. If only she knew what he's able of.

Fang shook his head, "Alright, how powerful are you?" 

"If you were an enemy I had to defeat?" 

"I'd be your worst nightmare,"  Reverse smiled.

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