chapter five

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Alexander POV 

" ARE YOU FUCKING STUPID " my brother Damien yelled at me in his British accent. It has been 2 days since my last section with Liam and I showed him who I really was. 

" He was going to figure out soon anyway," I said back. 

I didn't want to fight with him right now, my head felt like it's going to explode.

" Alex, are you okay? " Damien asked me taking a step towards me 

 " Damm it " was the last thing I heard him say before I went into complete darkness.


" hey " I opened my eyes and saw my brother next to me playing with a freaking lighter burning his pinky. 

" what the hell are you doing, " I said sitting up on the bed, " I was bored and you were passed out, what was I suppose to do ? ". 

" psycho," I said under my breath,

 " took that after you " he smiled at me.

" you tasted his blood didn't you, no wonder why you pass out, " Damien said getting and passing me a bag of blood, we usually drink animal blood in order to control our self, but of course I had to taste Liam's blood, it was starting at me.

" you know it's dangerous and yet you still do it " he threw the blood bag at me, " you're not getting up from there until you finish all of it ".  

Damien was only a year older than me but he was still really protective towards me after his parents had him, his mother couldn't have kids anymore so they decided to adopt me. they die when I turned 15 and since then Damien was the one left taking care of me.

we had the life in this big house by our self, it was pretty gigantic but it wasn't lonely, we had each other.

I was trouble one, I was his Entertainment and he loves when I make him laugh. One time  I jump from the stairs and my legs twist and I watch the bone pop out. it was disgusting and all I did was laugh while Damien had a horrifying look on his face.

" stop laughing and pop it back in Alex" he whined I push the bone back in and twist it. we couldn't feel pain, well until we turned 20, we lost that power.

" stop thinking about your nasty leg damm it " he rolled his eyes and went back to burning his pinky and yes after losing the ability to feel pain, we gained a new one, reading people's thoughts.

it's pretty cool I must say.

" how's your boy toy," I asked drinking the blood, he turned to me and threw the lighter at me. 

we work in the same hospital and he couldn't find someone else other than another suicide teen. he was crazy in love with  Aiden but he was underage, Damien said he felt like a sugar daddy to him. 

" do the readers have to know all that Alex ?"

" yes now shut up ".

Aiden loves him also but Damien couldn't risk it . " you know he's turning 18 soon, right? " I told him and smiled. 

" he asked me to fuck him," Damien said shaking his head.

 " and I bet you want to, don't you," I told him and I knew he wanted too. 

"There are rules Alex, plus I'm not you, who always breaking them " he shoots back.

" yeah I know  but you should because it's fun " I smirk at him.  


I make my way to the bathroom that's in my room, my room was all black so obviously my bathroom wasn't any different. 

 I like it that way though,  it goes with my personality.

I finish taking a shower and put on my uniform.

" can you fucking hurry up " I turn to see Damien leaning on the door.

" shut the fuck up, you just want to see your boy toy," I said and pick up my phone and put it in my pocket. he was my ride so I still hurried up and go downstairs, it's not that I don't have my own car, in fact I have 3 but I'm too lazy to do that so he can just give me a ride.

we got in the car and drove to the hospital, we got through the security and made our way inside. 

Damien went inside his office and I went to mine. 

As I walk on the fifth floor, I walked by Liam's room and I noticed a red liquid coming out under to metal door from the smell of it was either juice or something else.

Liam was trying to scare to guard, god he's so stupid with his pranks.

" you guys can take a break, I will be with him so get something to eat ". I said making my way over to them.

" thank you sir " they left in a hurry. 

I would be tired too if I was them, trying to watch over this kid.

I open the door and saw him laying, half-naked with the red juice lying on the floor. 

" get up dumb ass " I rolled him with my feet. 

" wow, all this for nothing? why you're here anyway? messing my plan " he rolled his eyes and got off the floor.

"If you wanted to make it more realistic, at least get some fake blood or real blood whichever you prefer, " I said taking a sit on his bed, god damm this is hard. 

" first time hearing my own doctor tell me to make my death look real," he said in confusion.

" Well right now I'm not your psychiatrist " I lay on the bed even though it was breaking my back.

" and how do you even sleep on that thing ?" I asked him, lifting the blanket.

 there was a lighter under the bed along with a sharp object. I turn to him and lift my eyebrow.

" you can keep everything but the lighter " he winks and smiles at me.


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