Chapter 14

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This will be the last chapter, I wanted to drop this book due to personal problems but I wanted Aiden and Liam to have a happy ending because they went through so much. I haven't been happy or whatever they call smiley people now. I wanted to help them have a happy ending at least, to feel better I guess? But yeah, enjoy this last chapter.

Five years later*

Aiden and Liam were running around in this new penthouse they have been living in since two years ago. The four of them decided to live together again, One of the many reasons is Aiden and Liam's separation issues.

A couple of years ago, Liam and Alex went on a little vacation but they soon realize it was a big mistake when Both Liam and Aiden got sick and went into their depression state. It wasn't enjoyable for any of them, Damien and Alex thought it was not a good idea to separate them, at least for now. They were doing everything they could to help them with the issue but it was taking a lot of time and patience.

They were mostly successful but they still needed more time. Damien and Alex were fine with sharing another house, as long as the boys were happy.

"Stacy honey, It's not good to run around with a snake in your hand after your cousin, he is terrified of it." Liam call after his six years old daughter. Stacy was adopted by Liam and Alex last year, she was their little devil. Mean as a honey badger but everyone loved her.

Her little cousin Sam, was adopted by Damien and Aiden 10 months ago. He was only 5 years old when they took in. Shiest person in the house, he likes to be called Sammy so that's what they call in the house.

Sammy was running away from Stacy, crying, and with snots running down his nose. Aiden and Liam were running after Stacy to make her stop with her little pranks. The only person that can make her stop was Damien, she was terrified of him when he was serious. As for Alex, he sometimes helps her with her devious prank, he said he finds it amusing.

"No mummy, he took my toys," She said and proceed to run after Sammy. As they continue running after each other, the front door opened, Damien and Alex enter with groceries in their hands.

" She back at it again," Alex said with a chuckle.

Stacy stops and looks in Damien's direction, she took the box and put the snake back where he belongs.

She fixes her little innocent smile and said " Hi uncle Damien," she ran up to him and jumps in his arms. Damien took her up and held her.

" And once again, I'm left alone," Alex said, raising his left eyebrow

" Sup Daddy," She said lifting her hand to dab him up.

" Sup my little devil" Alex responded, doing the same thing her daughter did.

Liam took the groceries on the floor and went to arrange them when he was stopped by Alex's kiss. He returns the kiss and smiles at him.

" Eww, Daddy" Stacy gags and hide in Damien's chest.

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