16 - It's Not Easy Being Green

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"You spent so long figuring out how to get to this land, groomed Regina to cast your curse, spent 28 years waiting for it to be broken, all so you could be with your son, and now he's gone. Tell me, Rumple. Was he really worth all that trouble?" Zelena jeered. "Every bit of it. He was family. Something you know nothing about," Papa sneered, and Zelena left. A while later, we heard the cellar doors creak open. I assumed it was Zelena, coming to taunt us again about Bae's death. "Rumple? Rempa?" Belle asked, coming down the stairs.

"Belle?!" Papa asked. "I've come to free you," She said, coming up to the cages. "No, leave! Leave! You have no idea what that witch will make me do to you if she catches us," Papa said. "I'm not afraid. You could never hurt me," Belle said, opening his cage. "No, it's futile. As long as she holds the daggers, we cannot leave," He said.

 "I'm not leaving without you," Belle said. "It's not worth the risk," He said, and she reached her hand into the cage. "Just try," She begged, and he took her hand. "You just have to believe in us," She said, and he got up, going right up to her. "Run," He said.

"What?" She asked. "Run! Go!" He yelled, and Zelena cackled. "Don't mind me. Carry on. I was enjoying the show," Zelena sneered, and Belle ran up the steps. Zelena forced us after her, and we crawled out of the cellar. "Zelena sends a message. She will face Regina without interference! The next time you try to stop her, we will kill you," Papa yelled.

Zelena forced us to come to the Witch Fight. "No one's going anywhere. This show needs an audience. Out of my way, Munchkin," Zelena sneered. "I'm a dwarf," Sneezy said. "That's even worse. Where is she, hmm? Don't tell me--she's a coward. Well, this isn't good... for any of you. If my sister's not here in five minutes, I'm going to let the Dark One and the Nightingale off their leashes," Zelena sneered, and we looked down. We were having to follow her.

"Time's up. Who do want to kill first, Rumple? Rempa?" Zelena sneered after five minutes. "They're not killing anyone. If you want to fight someone, Zelena, fight me," Emma said. "Sorry, dear. I don't dance with amateurs," Zelena said. "I'm not an amateur. I'm the Savior," Emma said. "Mm. Appears someone's got an inflated sense of self-worth," Zelena sneered, flicking the daggers.

We were forced to throw Emma back with our magic. "Anybody else want to give it a go?" Zelena asked the crowd. "I do," We turned to see Regina. "Didn't anyone tell you? Black is my color," Regina sneered, and Zelena chuckled. "But it looks so much better on me. I was beginning to think you weren't going to show up," Zelena said.

"I couldn't let my sister off that easily," Regina replied. "Oh. So you've finally accepted me into the family?" She asked. "I've accepted that we share a mother, yes. But I still have one question. What the hell did I ever do to you?" Regina asked. "Isn't it obvious? You were born," She sneered, earning a slap from Regina. "I've been waiting to do that all day," Regina sneered.

"Rumplestiltskin can't save you this time. He should have chosen me," She said. "Who?" Regina asked. "Rumplestiltskin," She snapped. "That's what this is about? You're jealous of me?" Regina asked. She flung a stoplight at Zelena, who deflected it.

"You still don't realize what you had. You never did. You got everything I ever wanted, and you didn't even deserve it! But I'm gonna take it all from you!" Zelena yelled, throwing Regina into a car. "My Miata," Doc said. Regina got up, stalking towards us while summoning fire. Zelena turned it into green smoke with a wave of her hand. "You can't beat me, little sis. Everything Rumplestiltskin taught you, he taught me, too. But I was the better student," Zelena sneered, using her magic to choke her and send her flying.

Regina flew into the clock tower, shattering the clock face. Zelena warped up there, and after a bit, she flew out on a broomstick, taking us with her. She locked us in our cages in the cellar. "What? No meat pie?" He asked, and she waved the dagger, making him fall to the floor. "She's clever, Rumple, but so am I. Regina's heart is somewhere in this town, and it's only a matter of time before I find it," Zelena sneered.

"Whatever twisted curse you have planned, it won't change anything. If I had to do it all again, I'd still choose Regina," He said. "Would you now? Well, I suppose we'll just have to wait and see," Zelena said. "I'm afraid I don't understand," He said. "We are doing it all over again. What I'm casting isn't a curse. It's a second chance,"

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