twenty six

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Fayette awoke the next day with an unusual amount of energy. She was supposed to spend the day with Eulalie, Quinn, and Cat. The four of them were scheduled to have a small photo shoot with two of their good friends, Kayla and Noah. Kayla was a stylist, and the four of them weren't supposed to wear anything too fancy so that she could dress them up for the pictures. Fayette, for the first time in a long time, took a cab instead of walking. It was a beautiful day, but she had to make sure her hair wasn't a disaster when she got to the location they'd be shooting at. 

After about 10 minutes, her cab driver pulled up to a small, beautiful house near a couple of fields. Fayette paid her driver and got out, immediately being greeted by Kayla.

"Faye!" Kayla shouted as she threw her arms around Fayette's neck.

"Kay! Oh my God, it's been forever!" Fayette replied, returning the hug and wrapping her arms around the shorter girl. The two pulled away a few seconds later.

"C'mon, everyone's inside. I have the perfect dresses for you to wear," Kayla informed Fayette before grabbing her hand and bringing her inside the small house.

"Hey, Faye," Noah said when the two girls walked through the door.

"Hi, Noah," Fayette responded, giving the boy a quick hug before greeting her other three friends.

"So, as you can see, we have some beautiful fields outside. We're gonna do one person at a time. Basically it's gonna be like a nature aesthetic," Kayla explained.

"How many wardrobe changes is there gonna be?" Eulalie asked.

"A few, don't worry, it's not going to be horrible. I promise," Kayla told them. Everyone nodded and Kayla sent Cat to get changed. Fayette, Quinn, and Eulalie went into the lounge room of the house while Cat took her photos, well, Noah took her photos.

"How many more song do you need?" Quinn asked, referring to Fayette's EP.

"Three, I really want these songs to be authentic, but I don't know if I'll be able to do it," Fayette sighed.

"Have you talked to management about it?" Eulalie asked.

"Yeah, I have a meeting on Wednesday about it. They said we'd spend the day writing and hopefully something would come out of it," Fayette told them. They nodded in understanding before the familiar tune of the Pink Panther theme song filled the air. Quinn and Eulalie, knowing this was Fayette's ringtone, turned to her expectantly.

"Yeah, yeah, I'm getting it," Fayette said. She got out her phone and showed who was calling her to her friends before placing a finger on her lips to indicate that she wanted them to be quiet.

She answered, placing the phone to her ear, "Hey Jack, what's up? He did!? I hope he broke his neck. Breaking your neck is a good way to learn your lesson!" Quinn and Eulalie watched Fayette reply to Jack. Every time she would stop talking and he would start, a sparkle would light up her eyes. After Fayette bit her lip nervously at something Quinn and Eulalie presumed Jack had said, they both went wide eyed and turned to face each other. Just by looking at each other, the two friends could tell that they were thinking the same thing. Fayette laughed out a goodbye to Jack and ended the call. She looked to her friends, who held smirks on their lips.

"What?" Fayette asked.

"You, Fayette Monet, have a crush," Eulalie teased.

"What?! No I don't, who would I even have a crush on? Quinn?" Fayette said, cringing as she thought of Quinn in anything more than a platonic way.

"Oh I don't know, Jack maybe!" Quinn exclaimed.

"Excuse me, what- no! Wh- no, n- just no!" Fayette stuttered out, shocked by what her friends had just suggested, "I don't have a crush on Jack. And even if I did, he's going on a date, a date that I told him to arrange."

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