Madness in the Mad lair

Start from the beginning

Maybe I should stop trying to please the guy, but It would be really sweet if I did and he made me first in command of Mad after he retires or something, Or if they ever send him to jail; but doubt that happening. We Claws have a talent of escaping and never being captured.

Speaking of my 'caring' Uncle he informs me that we're home and I should unload my stuff so I can get straight into my punishment. Yippie! Can't wait for it! *for clarity, insert a sarcastic eyeroll here*

It's about to get Mad in the Mad lair, Cuz he looks pretty Mad, probably cuz he owns Mad, how Madder can things get.....................Oh boy, I'm going Mad.

(Enough with the Mad puns Talon😠😅)

"TALON!!!?? Get your sorry butt over hear RIGHT NOW!!!!" The evil psycho yells which practically BOOMS through out the whole Mad lair.

I carefully place the flat screen TV in it's safe hiding spot and everything's just about packed when I yell back a "I'm Coming!" And quick dash out of my Mad bedroom which is soon to be even more awesome with the TV I got.

I'm running through the hallway to my uncertain doom and I'm secretly hoping Uncle C isn't too hard on me; not to mention whack crazy! But both seem to be his middle name or something, because his punishments are beyond far from the normal punishments that a regular human being could give.

I make it to the main room and Uncle C smirks evily at me like he finally has a victim to torture and play around with. I can't see the slightest of sympathy in his face and I just hang my head in defeat about to face my fate.

"Let's get this party started-" he starts. There is nothing good about this 'party' believe me.

"So since you failed on such a special mission, I will of course, punish you in a special way..." I don't like where this is going, but at least he stopped shouting.

"If u'd done the mission properly, we could have afforded to squeeze money in for a plumber for that busted toilet, but since you didn't; you will do the plumbing" he says while throwing a plunger at me, and he smirks while Mad cat snickers beside him.

"Uncle C?! That is so not fair! Not to mention disgusting. You just can't stoop that low??!!

"Yes I can, I'm evil." He says blankly.

I resist the urge to eyeroll cuz that could make things a whole lot worse.

"Have you seen the blocked toilet?! It's unbearable to even look at! The conditions are the definition of unsanitary! and the air is reeking with stench and humidity. DO YOU HAVE ANY IDEA OF WHAT THAT COULD DO TO MY HAIR ??!!!!" I say basically losing it, to my Uncle's unfair actions.

"Don't know, don't care. That's not it though. You then have to clean the lair from all of Mad cat's hairballs and empty her ever so pleasant litter box and of course, before those three lets start with a personal favourite.." He says smirking yet again.

Before I even have time to protest, he presses a button and I'm lunged straight into the floor. Sharks! Gaaah! Dang it, I should have totally seen that one coming! this will officially be one of the worst days of my life.

~Skip to after all the chores are finally completed😪😓😌~

"And that's the last of it.." I breathlessly say as I dump the last bag of Mad cat's kitty litter in the trash bin.

It's been a LONG day and I have never felt so tired before, my muscles are killing me and I definitely need to relax them after this immobilizing punishment.

Dealt with the sharks as usual, Dealt with the hairballs after what seemed like FOREVER, The kitty litter was gross; but I managed. Dont even ask about the toilet *barf* though I managed to keep my hair safe from the stench and humid air, I've lost my appetite for eating any sort of food for the rest of the day.

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