A Day Of Peace, Or Not

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Disclaimer: In this story, Barry never used the particle accelerator to regain his speed when he gave it to Zoom. Instead, the speed force showed itself and struck him with another lightning bolt. Just so, something can happen...

Barry's POV

I look at my watch, 8:56 AM.

I get up and a breach formes next to my suit.

It is filled with lightning so it couldn't be Cisco.

Suddenly, lightning from inside the breach hits me and I yell out in pain.

I hear light but fast footsteps from behind and Caitlin pops up.

"Barry, are you ok?" She asks me.

"Yeah." I tell her.

"Are you sure?" She asks.

"Yes!" I snap. Damn it! Why am I so angry? "I am sorry." I apologise.

"Barry, your eyes just went red. Just like The Reverse Flash." She tells me.

"What?" I ask.

I run for a mirror then bring it back to the warehouse.

I watch myself in the mirror.

"Barry, your lightning is red." She says.

"Oh God." I exclaim.

"What is it?" She asks me.

"I am part of the negative speed force now." I tell her.

"Does that mean it is permanent?" She asks me.

"I don't know." I admit. "When I am in the suit, the lightning will be white but when I am out, it will be red." I tell her.

"Well, you could always make them think you are The Reverse Flash?" Cait suggested to me.

"I could, but not today. Today, is an us day." I tell her.

She forms a smile and nods. "Sounds great." She says.

"Although, it may take a while to control this sudden anger." I say frustrated.

"Well, we will get started on that tomorrow. Could you tell me what we are going to do?" She asks me.

"I would but, that wouldn't be any fun would it?" I tell her with an amused smile.

"Oh, Barry." She pouts.

"Ah ah ah, that's not gonna work on me." I joke.

She sighs and sits down. "Ok, fine. But, how do you know that they won't come after us?" She asks me.

"Well, I made Gideon ping random places with high velocities and cold zero temperatures so they will think we are out of town. They are going to kick themselves when they find out we are still here." I explain to her.

She nods, looking impressed.

"Ok, what if they find out before the day is over?" She asks worried.

"Don't think like that, just get ready for today, ok?" I tell her.

"Ok, but only because I love you." She says.

"Yeah, well I love you too." I reply.

She chuckles a bit then leaves to get dressed.

I look in the mirror again and watch as my eyes turn bright red.

I shake off the sudden anger and get dressed.

Once finished, I check for the three discs. Still in their cases, good.

I never told anyone how much I love High School Musical. It was my childhood, the dream I dream every good night.

Good thing I planned another night at the karaoke bar. I can sing my heart out to the world.

10 Minutes Later

Once finished, I get the car ready, I know what you're thinking. Why are you using a car, you're the fastest man alive?

First of all, it needs to be romantic, so no speed. Second of all, everyone will see me.

I learnt how to drive not too long ago. So, it shouldn't be too bad.

After a few moments, Cait comes out from the warehouse, dressed just like she did the night we went out to the karaoke bar. Coincidence?

I smiled at the memory, the way we sang, how I took her home.

"What?" She asks confused.

"Oh, nothing. It's just, we might be going somewhere, familiar." I say, trying not to tell her.

"Ok, well I am looking forward to it." She tells me.

25 Minutes Later

"We are here." I tell her as she looks to me.

"Oh, Barry. Do we really have to come back here?" She asks.

"Well, I planned this before you put that on. So, yes, yes we do." I laugh.

"Fine, but I am not singing again." She says.

"Fine by me." I reply.

I got out of the car and went to open her door. But that was when my phone went off. Gideon.

Cisco's POV

"Done." I tell Wally as I finish wiring Gideon to obey us, and not Barry.

"Alright, good. It's time to end him." He says angrily.

"Settle down, if you keep going like this, you might end up like him." I warn him.

"Ok, I am calm. Just, how are we going to take him down?" He asks me.

"So, you are going to run at him, he might get you on the ground, which we want. So I can breach from behind, hit him with a blast and send him to a meta-human cell. From there, we can do what we want." I explain to him.

"Ok, I am in. We might need some help though." He tells me.

"Oh, I have that handled." I smirk as I remember everyone.

Barry's POV

"Hello, Barry Allen. There is an emergency at the warehouse, Vibe and Kid Flash have entered the building." She tells me and I kick myself.

"Damn it!" I yell.

Caitlin jumps out the car and looks at me concerned.

"What is it?" She asks me.

"You were right, they're in the warehouse." I tell her.

"Well then, let's go." She says and I nod.

We get back into the car and head back. They are ruining our day!

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