Start from the beginning

The tourniquet tightly tied against his thigh has become more of a hindrance at this point; he is quick to remove it. Briefly, he wonders just how surprised Tori will be to discover that there is no longer even a hole in his flesh. When he says he is fine, he really means it. Unsatisfied with the amount of clothing between them, Changkyun pulls deviously at Tori's suit.

She's not stupid. Lust ridden, sure, but not stupid. Tori's brain has also registered the barrier that keeps him from being able to thrust up and into her. And she was lost the moment she felt his lips against her nipples.

That little voice that warns her this is a bad idea falls silent under the weight of the feeling of his bare cock slipping between her wet folds. He'd deftly slipped his own suit down and the feeling of his bare skin beneath her fingertips leaves Tori feeling charged. His fingers dig into her hips as he pulls her down, and onto his swollen length. It feels so heavenly, the curve of her ass against his balls, dick fully buried in her silken heat. The arms that she's wrapped around him are full of tender affection, and he feels her emotions, experiences her thoughts as if they were his own. Changkyun opens his heart to the experience, a low moan rising from his throat and escaping through parted lips.

"Da'vitan..." he groans.

The pleasure is so intense; like sparks dancing upon the skin, generated and conducted by touch. Tori hangs from his neck for dear life, overwhelmed by the torrents of pleasure within. This... emotion... it rises from within her heart, tender and pure. So pure, so fierce, that it nearly hurts.

She is in love with Changkyun.

For a moment, Tori feels as if they have truly become one. She is awash in so much exhilaration and adoration, and the pleasure of his touch has become unbearably intense. It's as if she is experiencing it twice. She feels the adoration that Changkyun has for her. It is in his touch, and in the flick of his tongue against her flesh. It is also there, in the way that he moans greedily, and in the way that he claims her mouth with his own.

He swallows the desperate cries that raise from her throat as she falls apart upon his cock. His pace, the steady thrust of his hips, has become frenzied. Frantic, even. There is a sense of desperation upon his tongue, and within his limbs. She has acknowledged him as a Da'vitan. And she might not even realize it. He thinks to himself that it might finally be time to open up and tell her what she has become to him, but all thoughts are blown away under the force that is her orgasm. She squeezes him so tightly; his balls all but ache for release.

"Feels so good... " Changkyun whines, grinding her down upon him at the end of every thrust.

He is panting now, jaw set with determination. He's so close; the warning is there, in the way that his balls tighten and his spine tingles. Every fevered drag of his cock against her inner walls feels like exquisite torture. It is only as Tori finds release once more that he allows himself to cum. It pours from him like a tidal wave, and he whimpers into her skin as the aftershocks of her own orgasm milk him of every drop of his release.

Tori is lost to the afterglow.

The rise and fall of his chest is such a comforting feeling. For a moment, she was certain she'd lost him. His wound seemed so serious, and she'd been beside herself with guilt. Tori's heart begins to swell as she takes in the moment, the touch of his skin against hers. A thousand different things are sent reeling from her mind as her heart focuses on the rhythm of Changkyun's breathing. They are one.

She feels the rise in his libido and her own rises to answer the call. His cock, which had been slowly softening within her warm hole, begins to swell once more. Changkyun gasps as Tori wiggles, and digs his fingers into the flesh of her hips.

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