Like a damn charity case?

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"Omg is he alive?"
"I don't know but stop poking him."
"Get him some water."
"Wait I think he's waking up."   ... "Hey buddy"

"Do you guys still need this?", Preshani asked holding a glass of water. "Yea he must be thirsty.", Connor said taking the glass from the girl and giving it to the barely conscious boy who was on the floor. "What do you think happened? Should we call an ambulance? He could be having a damn alcohol poisoning for all we know!" Mariska hyperventilated. She didn't take well to stress. "Just shut the fuck up! We call an ambulance and his dad's gonna fucken kill him." Tyrone shouted. "Wrong. He won't care", Nathan said softly surprising the group. "I'm sorry you guys have to stress about me. I'm ok now you can go home.", the boy spoke sadly. "If you think we're just gonna leave you here then you're crazier than I thought", Bongi said to her friend. They helped him up to get him cleaned.

Dineo rushed to Mariska who seemed to be having an anxiety attack. She was gonna have a talk with Tyrone later for talking to her like that knowing her condition.

An hour later the boy fell asleep after taking a shower and some Tylenol. The group stayed so they'd be there when he woke up. They had decided to have a sleep over at his place since it was getting late anyways.

The group knew what their friend was going through. With his dad traveling all the time for work and his mom starting a completely new family without him, he was practically living alone. Things had been better since he started varsity because he had school work to occupy his time and campus parties to distract him from his reality. But now there was no escaping it. It was December and everyone was going home, everyone was going to spend quality time with their families. A luxury he didn't have.

He knew he could always count on his friends to keep him from losing it but he didn't want to be a burden to them. Especially not during that time of the year.

At 10h00 pm the boy finally woke up. His head had been pounding mostly from what had occurred earlier and partly from all the noise that had been coming from downstairs. Making his way down the stairs he lead himself to his big kitchen where all his friends were cooking and conversing. He felt his heart melt at the sight. They were always there for him when he needed them.

Sleepovers never actually included sleep for the group. At 03h00 am they were all sitting by his lounge playing board games.

"So I was thinking..", Mariska started. "Why don't we like share you this festive?", they all looked at her in confusion so she carried on, "like we all have you at our houses for the holidays", "like a damn charity case?", he hadn't meant for it to come out so harsh, but the last thing he needed was to be passed around  from house to house like an orphan. "I'm sorry I didn't mean for you to get offended", she apologized. "Don't apologize Mariska, I'm the one who's sorry. I know you're all just trying to help", he finished.

"How about we all come and spend it with you here? I mean the house is big enough for all of us. Scratch that, the house is big enough for the whole university", Siya half joked. Their friend needed them. "That doesn't sound completely horrible, I'd jump at any excuse to not be with my family.", Bongi added. "That sounds great guys but will your parents agree?", Nathan asked. "Leave them to us. We'll all speak to our parents tomorrow. They all know your situation Nate they'll understand", Dineo added.

The friends agreed to all talk to their parents that morning. It wasn't going to be easy for most of them but they'd do anything for their friend.

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