I unzip my pants and shimmy out of them, slightly upset again, that they hug a little too tight on my thighs. At least this time they didn't drag my underwear down. I'm really not digging this growing up sh1t that all girls and well, people in general have to go through. I feel like a fatas$ sometimes but when I see myself fully exposed in my mirror, it's pretty obvious that I look fine, if I do say so myself.

               A simple adjustment of tugging the sides of my underwear down to hang as low on my hips as possible without exposing my rear, and I hear Estela mess with my cd player, skipping around for some music.

               "Girl, did you get new underwear?"

               "Yup. Stole em'." I smirk at the bright red, silky material, which clashes perfectly against my healthy light colored skin.

               "Whoever gets to take it off will be really happy." She makes me insecure all of a sudden by the reference to me being sexually active one day. Goodness help me and whoever THAT is when the day comes...if it ever comes. "And what about your hair?" She raises an eyebrow and I frown at the mention, pretty much because I'm wearing a brown wig.

               "What about it?" The mirror reflects my glare.

               "Spes. Come on. You're training today. You really think that wigs gonna hold? Take it off!" She almost whines. "You think you'd be used to it by now." I can tell she's annoyed by my day in day out self consciousness concerning my mid-back length strands of hair, but I overall don't care. I'd choose this sh1tty wig any time if it meant I could avoid looking like a freak.

               One resistant look from me to my friend, and I can tell she's just urging me further, not about to say 'forget it' so I can save myself from looking at it in daylight. I've seen enough while washing my hair in the shower, wishing I could dye it or anything to change its color, but out of all the things this city is supplied with, apparently hair coloring wasn't one of them.

               This is what I categorize as, total bullsh1t.

               Dumb enough, a quick and hateful tug of the top and off slides the fake scalp, my actual hair close to my skull, loosely flopping down in weird clumps to drape against my bra straps and linger near the curve of my back. I bring my catty shaped eyes up, to see the basic color of pure dark grey hair, actually and naturally flowing from my head.

               Not like an old person's hair, stringy and thin. I'm perfectly healthy. I don't have any weird diseases where I age like a flower and pass away after wilting in a matter of days. There's nothing wrong with me. I'm completely 100%. And yet my thick, long, wavy hair refuses to come out in any color, other than dark grey.

               Red, or in most cases, orange hair, blondes, brunette, fvck, black! Anything. I'd give anything for natural, run of the mill, boring hair for any selection of man or woman, but still to my unknown knowledge, here I stand, with actual gray hair you'd only see if you were burning something.

               It's a color you could suffocate in. To add to my annoyed state, my face is fine, beautiful in fact. It's not vanity either. I see other girls, heck, I see other guys. All are average or below, maybe the occasional exceptional, but I top them all. However, it still bugs the crap out of me that my eye color isn't far off from my hair color.

               Thank goodness my eyebrows are at least close to black as well as my lashes; otherwise I'd singe them off and hope they never grow back.

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