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Perkins left soon after that, Dot looked at Orion and side stepped to stand in front of him. Slicing up the remainder of the apple she held it out for the grey and white horse. "Good job, boy." Dot ate a slice and patted a hand on Orion's nose.

A part of her disliked the fact that Perkins flat out said Fletcher would most likely fail at this job. If he was as scatty as he said, then Fletcher wouldn't make much of a war horse either. If that was the case then Fletcher wouldn't be much good to anyone here.

"We'll prove them wrong." Dot said determinedly. Fletcher looked at her confused, he then took to fidgeting again. Orion looked at his friend confused and took to grazing. Picking up their reins she tied them to the stable and put a hand on Fletcher's neck. "I'm going to get in the cart, me and only me, just so you get used to someone being there. Is that all right, Fletcher?" Dot smiled and spoke quietly and kindly, nodding slowly she turned away and walked alongside the canvas roofed cart.

Her eyes briefly scanned over the painted red cross on the side and clambered up into the cart. Fletcher stomped a foot on the ground and shook his head. Dot stopped in her movements, the more she moved she knew the more it would freak him out.

Crouching down she looked over the benches which were in here. Underneath the benches were cases of different sizes. Reaching out slowly and taking one out from under the bench she opened it. There was nothing in it.

Putting the case back in its place Dot stood up slowly and walked along the small aisle towards the front of the cart. Sitting down in the front she leaned her head against her hand. Fletcher still shook his head from side to side.

Looking up at the sky, Dot rubbed her eyes slowly. "It's all right, Fletcher, it is only me here." Giving it another few moments of silence, apart from the gunfire practise which was happening in the field behind them, Dot jumped down and put an arm around his shoulder. "Well done." Looking at Orion she shook her head. Dot highly doubted that he needed to get used to someone being in the cart. Considering how well mannered he is and was when Perkins was putting the cart on him, Dot didn't think he'd be effected by people clambering into the cart.

Even so she walked up and stepped into his cart, much like she thought Orion stood iron fast and calm. Much like in Fletcher's cart the cases in here were empty. Some ambulance this was if there wasn't even any first aid equipment here.

"Hello?" A quiet voice whispered, peeking around the front of the cart Dot looked down at Alice.


"What are you doing?"

"...Seemingly sorting out our ambulances. You?" Dot answered while jumping down from Orion's cart.

"Nothing. There is nothing to do." Alice huffed and patted Orion's neck, she smiled and rubbed his nose. It seemed like Alice had instantly become attached to the animal.

"Want to help me?"

"What needs to be done?"

"Well," Dot shrugged off her jacket and put it on the drivers seat of the cart beside her. Rolling her nurses uniforms sleeves up, she nodded. "We need to take these guys for a test run." Alice gave her a hesitant look. "Then we need to fill up the carts, then detach these guys from them, wash them down give them a little reward, then finally put the carts in the barn. We don't want them getting drenched by the rain just yet." Dot finished and looked up at the sky which was slowly clouding over.

"That sounds like a lot of work."

"You already said you had nothing else to do."

"But I don't know how to steer a horse and cart."

"You think I do?"

"Well you did just list off everything we have to do."

"All right fine," Dot pinched the bridge of her nose. "Go and find first aid equipment for the carts. Every piece of kit put it on the table and try and section them into even piles." Alice seemed a little more happy with this job, she smiled and ran off towards the manor. "You and me buddy, let's go." Dot clambered up into Orion's cart once she untied the reins. Giving them a gentle tug she smiled happily when Orion backed up from the barn and took to trotting away. Fletcher nickered out after them, pulling Orion to a stop Dot quickly leaped out of the cart and ran towards him. "We shall not be long." Giving Fletcher a reassuring pat she ran back and climbed into the cart.

Admittedly Dot thought it was a little strange to see all the cavalry training their war horses with strict faces, and then she and Orion humbly trotted by glancing idly at them as they passed.

Dot spotted Arthur and smiled at his confused and shocked expression. Even James had to do a double take and watch them pass. Walking to the end of the field the two of them had a little trouble with turning. Orion just wasn't understanding what she was asking him to do. Hearing hoof beats Dot turned and peered around the side of the cart. Both Arthur and James came galloping up to her.

"Oh well, looky at you!" Arthur grinned and nodded his head. "Are you stuck?"

"I don't know how to turn." Dot said while avoiding looking at either of them, turning, surely everyone had struggled with this simple command at some point.

"Here," James said while turning in his saddle and taking the reins from her hand, as if on cue and magic Orion turned.

"You're a miracle worker." Dot said and then gripped back onto the reins when Orion walked back towards the stable.


(Edited: 29/August/2019)

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