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Dot shook her head slowly, the way everyone acted was like they had never been outside before. Honestly, she stood on a street corner watching fully grown men potter around like they had never been in a small town before. Letting out a quiet sigh she turned and walked into the shops, pulling out a small shopping list she took to walking around the small shop.

"You come from the manor on the hill, eh?" A man behind the counter questioned, Dot presumed he was the shop keeper. She slowly nodded and put the shopping list back into her bag, she pulled out her purse.

"What's it like up there? Never been there personally. The owners are too arrogant for my liking you see."

"It's very spacious but I highly doubt much of the original furnishings are still in there." Dot answered, the grey haired man let out a laugh and put her shopping in two brown paper bags.

"I shouldn't laugh really, both their sons got listed." The man shook his head slowly and accepted the money Dot held out to him.

"Where to?" The man shook his head as an answer, that seemed to indicate that he either wasn't sure or wouldn't like to say where. "Thank you," Dot smiled and picked up her bags and walked out of the shop. Walking over the army truck which they'd all driven down in, Dot opened the door and put the shopping in the front.

There was no way she'd trust a load of soldiers sitting in the back with her shopping. Slamming the door shut and turning away she crossed her arms. Eyeing up a pub she rolled her eyes, it didn't take much figuring out where everyone had gone. Pinching the bridge of her nose she walked steadily over and into the pub. Sure enough, most of the men were in here.

"Can you please try and go easy on the drink?" Dot questioned in a hard tone. "You lot are on lord knows what medication." She put her hands on her hips and watched as they all saluted her and said they'd behave.

It didn't fill her with much confidence. "I wouldn't even bother if I were you, want a drink, sister?" Arthur asked while putting an arm around her shoulders. Dot looked up at him, "Take that as no. Don't look like that! You bring us all to a town where there's a pub...what do you expect us to do?"

"Just don't get too drunk." Dot rolled her eyes and exited the building, she walked up to where Jamie was walking out of what looked like a bookshop. "Buy anything good?"

"No," Jamie looked a little disheartened and eyed the shop up which they were walking away from. "I take it you are having trouble?"

"Hm," Dot nodded and smiled wryly she entwined her hands together and leaned her head against them. "Face it, they're not going to listen to one nurse."

"This whole thing wasn't thought out very well I have to admit." Jamie stated while eyeing up the pub.

"Feel free to go have a drink, Major. Everyone else is." Dot rolled her eyes.

"You're not."

"Jamie, I'm on duty. I can't be getting drunk while I'm on duty." Dot shook her head, "Charlie is in there with Arthur." This was enough to make a blank expression flit onto his face. "I dearly hope they don't start singing. Arthur's drunk singing is...horrid." Dot scratched the back of her neck worriedly. Shaking her head slowly she smiled up at him, "Bye Jamie, I'm off exploring." Dot walked lightly away from his side and pulled her nurse cap off. Folding it up she quickly darted across the road to the truck and threw it in there.

Looking around she wasn't really spoilt for choice of places to visit here in the town. There was a newsagents, a little grocer shop which she'd already been in, a pub and then there was a post office. The rest of the buildings were quite cosy looking houses.

Sure enough the inhabitants of the houses and of the town had flocked out to eye the soldiers up, that was why the pub suddenly found itself overly busy with customers.

Walking forward Dot kicked her booted feet along the pavement and avoided walking into any of the idle people who were eyeing up the army truck.

Raising an eyebrow she eyed up a small park and instantly walked towards it. Technically she should be keeping an eye on the soldiers. But they were all in one place, drinking and having fun. Sure Dot knew she would most likely get in trouble for letting them consume alcohol, but in her personal opinion they deserved it.

Finding a large tree Dot walked quickly up to it and sat down, leaning her back against it she shut her eyes and enjoyed the light breeze which was about.

Hearing a quiet cough Dot opened her eyes and looked at a shadow which was stretching over the ground, looking up and to the side she smiled at James. He was perhaps the only person who wasn't in the pub. Dot shook her head, Jamie was right, this whole excursion wasn't thought out to well.

James stiffly sat down and looked at her, "You look troubled. Before you even try and deny it, need I remind you of what an awful liar you are?" She smiled slowly at his words and nodded slowly.

"Mmhm, I'm not troubled...really, just...everyone is going to return back to the hospital on stretchers because they'll be too drunk to walk."

"Is that honestly all that's bothering you?" James inquired.

"Well," Dot fidgeted and looked up at the sky. "I was thinking."

"You do that a lot."

"I do," she grinned sheepishly and nodded. James looked from her and to the sky he was patiently waiting for her to continue. "When you asked me earlier what was wrong. And I said I'd tell you later I never did."

"Technically now is later, Dorothy." James corrected while reaching up and taking his cap off. In all honesty he was shocked to see all his uniform in the trunk at the end of his bed. Truth be told he had been curious to know what was in it but just never got around to opening it up. Not only was all his uniform in there but it had also been replaced by a new one.

"It's just...there's only five of you." She looked at him, "It made me feel a little sad."

James nodded slowly and put his cap on her head, she smiled and peeked out from underneath it. "Sure there are only five of us here, that does not mean that there aren't anymore of the cavalry at another hospital." James smiled and shook his head, "It doesn't go with your uniform, can I have my cap back?"

"You're the one who put it on me." Dot said and then swatted his hands away when he went to take it off of her head. "Nah-huh, no, shoo," she swatted his hands away. Soon getting tired of defending herself she stood up and walked lightly off. Hearing footsteps behind her she lifted the cap up and looked at James who was walking casually after her. "Can I help you with something, Captain Nicholls?"

"Yes, you can," James nodded. "It seems like you have my cap, Nurse Blake. May I have it back?"

"Hum," Dot put a hand to her chin thoughtfully. "But you gave it to me."

"And I would like it back."

"But I want to wear it, it's comfy. A lot comfier than that helmet I tried on." Dot smiled and flicked it up off of her face.


(Edited: 29/August/2019)

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