Out-of-Body Experience- Jace Wayland-Herondale

Start from the beginning

You look at your hands and your clothes, then back to Jace in your body. "Jace?" "(y/n)?" The two of you rush to the nearest mirror and sure enough, it was quickly confirmed that the two of your had switched bodies. Both you and Jace scream as a result.


"This is not happening, this is not happening," Jace says pacing back and forth all frantic like. "Oh gee, I'm sorry," you say all sarcastic, which sounded weird coming from Jace's voice, "I didn't realize being trapped in my body was such a drag."

"What happened?" you hear Izzy's voice as she walks in, accompanying her was Alec, "Jace, (y/n), you guys okay?" "I'm doing fine," you say, arms crossed, "Can't say the same for Jace over here." The Lightwood siblings seemed confused at that statement. "What are you talking about Jace?" Alec asks. "I'm saying that I'm where I'm not supposed to be," Jace exclaims in your body, "I was going about my business and then suddenly I'm trapped in the body of some stick-in-the-ass bi-" "Don't you dare finish that," you warn, "Me being in your body, I'm in the right position to break a few bones."

Alec and Izzy were now very confused about what was happening. "How did this even happen in the first place?" you exclaim, "What was even in that bottle?"
"I'm afraid it was something I had meant to dispose of a long time ago," Magnus interjects, approaching the group. "Why would you have a potion that switches people's bodies?" your frown. "That wasn't it's original purpose," Magnus admits, "I made this potion about five, maybe six years ago, could be a little more than that, but I remember I made it for a client to make them invisible, but the client never showed up when i finished it. So I just left it on the self, meaning to dispose of it but never getting to it, and its properties changed over time."

"Is it detrimental to their health?" Izzy asks with concern. "Well, aside from having to get used to the obviously different...anatomy," Magnus answers, "there shouldn't be any other side effects. Be that as it may, I will get started on creating another potion to reverse the effects." "And how long is that going to take?" Jace asks. "Well, let's see," Magnus contemplates, "Assuming I can find the right ingredients, add that to time it will take this potion to brew, I would say...twenty-four hours, give or take." "Twenty-four hours?!" you and Jace exclaim. "You expect me to be trapped in this asshat's body for a whole day while said asshat is inside mine?" you exclaim. "Usually girls like it when I'm inside them," Jace jokes, which made you growl at him and Alec to shift somewhat uncomfortably.
"Can't you make it any quicker?" you demand. "Not unless you want things to go so bad you die," Magnus simply states, "You two are just going to have to put up with each other for the next twenty-four hours. So...deal with it."

"It won't be so bad," Izzy assures, taking Jace to the side, "We'll get to the things you never want to do with me with the make-up and dressing up. We're going to have so much fun together." "I want to die now," Jace flatly deadpans.

"So," you turn to Alec, "What does Jace do in his free time, aside from drinking and uh...book club?"
Alec was at a loss for words, not sure what to say in this situation.


While Izzy dragged Jace away to do what he wanted to do, you decided to stand in place, not wanting to screw anything up. You got bored sometime later and turned around a little to see yourself in the mirror. You hadn't really taken that kind of time to actually look at Jace before, but having taken his...well his self out of his body, the physical appearance was alluring. You could see why the ladies liked his physique so much, and maybe you would too...but his personality and asinine-es was very off putting.

Thinking about it made you avert your gaze from the mirror. It was bad enough you were trapped in Jace's body, you weren't going to give him the pleasure of having one more mindless drone admire this glorified, overrated shell. Although...it wasn't like Jace would be able to read your mind, and to be honest you were kinda curious what could possibly be underneath all this dark clothing.
It wasn't like Jace's escapades were the only thing you noticed, he took his job as a Shadowhunter seriously, and he was loyal to his siblings too. Traits like that seemed hard to come by these days in most people you met, and despite Jace being an ass half the time, there was no denying those features of loyalty and family did make him somewhat attractive to you.

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