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The next day was a typical day at Spencer Academy. The weekend was over, and it was time to go back to the regular daily routine. Jessica woke up with pain in her heart that she never had experienced before. The previous night was one that she was not going to be able to forget. Caleb kissed her. He had confessed by telling her the real reason that he stopped calling and writing her.

She was still hurt about knowing the truth. She loved Caleb, and that was one of the reasons she was hurt. She could not forgive him just yet, because it was something that she could not deal with. A lot of things were happening, so they needed to stick together without any distractions to achieve their goal.

Jessica and Dawn walked to the pool area where they could see the swim team from afar. Jessica could not tell Dawn what was going on with her and Caleb, so rejecting her invitation to see the boys' practice was out of the question. Jessica and Dawn sat in the last seats of the bleachers as they saw the whole team listen to their coach give the instructions.

Jessica was still thinking about the kiss. She couldn't deny that it was something she wanted to do for so long. She loved every minute of it even though she felt hurt. He loved her. He said he was in love with her. She still loved him.

Was she ever going to be able to forgive him? It was one of the things that she thought the most.

As she saw their direction, she bit her lower lip. She touched her lips as she remembered Caleb's lips in hers. Then, she stopped thinking about it when she saw that Caleb was looking her way. He had a sad expression whenever he saw towards her direction. She looked at Dawn, so he wouldn't know that she was staring at him while she zoned out.

"So, how was your night with Tyler? You guys seem awfully close," Jessica asked Dawn, trying to put her mind into something else. She cared for her friends. Dawn had become her best friend, just like she saw in her vision.

Tyler was one of her friends since she was born, so she was happy that Dawn and Tyler met each other.

"Everything is going very well. Tyler is perfect, and I really like him a lot," Dawn replied, blushing.

Jessica smiled. "He is one of the great ones, and I'm glad everything is going good. You two are exactly right for each other," Jessica responded.

"Thanks, Jessica," Dawn replied, smiling.

Jessica noticed that Pogue was in place to swim against some other guys from the team. She smiled as she saw her brother swim fast, while the rest of the team cheered for him.

"You go, Pogue!" Jessica yelled, smiling when she saw that Pogue came in first place. All his friends congratulated him.

Jessica saw that Chase and Caleb were speaking. She also noticed that they were going to swim against each other next. Jessica wanted to see Caleb in action since it had been a long time since she enjoyed watching all of them doing one of the things that they were known for.

Caleb and Chase prepared themselves in position, and as soon as the noise of the whistle went off, they jumped in the pool and swam. They were both excellent. Caleb was better. Jessica noticed that they were close to the end, but she suddenly saw that Caleb hit his head against the hard edge. Jesse felt like her heart stopped beating when Caleb got hurt. She stood up and ran towards the pool. She saw that Chase noticed that Caleb had stopped. Chase helped Caleb get out of the water. He was unconscious.

"Caleb!" Jessica yelled, running to his side. The coach and the rest of the guys were around him as everyone became worried. Jessica was concerned. The coach checked his pulse, and it was strong. Then, Jessica's heart started to beat generally as she saw that he was waking up slowly.

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