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Jessica and Caleb got inside Nicky's, where it was full of people. She felt nervous and confused as she arrived with him. They didn't speak for the whole ride, but she needed the silence to think.


"Hey!" Reid greeted as he approached the two young teenagers that walked towards their booth. Jessica smiled and kissed Reid's cheeks.

Caleb sat next to Pogue.

"Hey, I didn't know you guys were going to come together," Kate said, looking at Jessica.

"It was a last-minute thing, family stuff," Jessica responded. Kate and Pogue were sitting. Tyler and Dawn were on the dance floor, and Reid was standing next to the booth. He was checking out what to do since he was one of the guys that got bored quickly. Jessica was next to Reid.

"I need some water," Jessica said. She moved to the bar counter and asked for a bottle of water. After Nicky gave her the bottle, Jesse paid for it. There were too many people inside, and she needed to think. She didn't want to come to Nicky's in the first place, but she couldn't say no since almost everyone was going to be there.

When she was about to walk back to the booth, she saw Chase walk towards her.

"Hey!" he greeted with a smirk.

"Hey Chase, how are you?" she responded.

"Great, I've been meeting new people," he replied.

"That's good," she said, smiling. Jessica took a sip of her water and looked at Chase. He was staring at the booth where her brother and her friends were.

"I thought you were friends with them," Jessica said, looking at Chase.

He shook his head.

"Not really. I tried, but I don't think Pogue likes me very much. Kate has been nice to me, and Caleb and I spoke and played a bit, but the others have serious trust issues," he confessed.

"They are like that, but only because they are overprotective of each other," she replied, trying to make him feel better.

"Come on," she said, grabbing his hand and walking towards the booth.

"Hey guys, look who I found," she said. Everyone in the table looked. Caleb smiled and shook Chases' hand. Reid nodded his way. Kate smiled, and Pogue glared at him. It was apparent that he disliked Chase.

A good song came out of the jukebox as Jessica saw Kate dance in her seat. She noticed that Kate wanted to dance.

"You know Pogue, Kate loves this song," Jessica said to her brother to order to hint him that Kate wanted to dance. Sometimes she got mad at Pogue because most of the time, he was blind or didn't want to understand the hints.

"It's a good song," he replied. Jessica rolled her eyes and glared at him. Pogue looked at his sister, confused.

"You are something you know," Jessica said.

"Would you like to dance? If Pogue doesn't mind," Chase asked Kate. At least someone got the hint, but it wasn't the person Jessica wanted to do.

"He doesn't mind," Kate replied, obviously mad at Pogue.

Jessica laughed to herself because she knew what Kate was doing.

Kate and Chase went to the dance floor and started to dance. It wasn't something romantic. It looked like two friends were just having fun dancing. Pogue didn't see it that way. He was angry, and Jessica noticed.

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