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Slowly opening her eyes, Jessica heard a mumble of voices. Even though she was drowsy, she could sense the people around her.

"Jesse! Are you alright?" Jessica heard the voice of her brother Pogue say as she slowly regained consciousness, but somehow it was difficult to reply. She felt like she was going to faint. "Jessica, wake up!" she heard the voice of Caleb shout. She couldn't speak. She tried to say something, but nothing was coming out.

"Sis, can you hear me?" Pogue said rather desperate to see his sister in that state. She could hear them, but she couldn't speak. She felt as her throat was dry as a dessert, so it was hard to make even a slight noise.

"Reid, what the hell happened, man," Caleb questioned. "I don't know. One minute we were dancing. The next minute she said she was getting some water and never came back."

They were all worried. They were the only ones deep in the woods. When Reid noticed that Jessica never came back from getting a bottle of water, he became anxious. Telling Pogue was the right thing to do. Together, the three boys gathered around the area to look for her. Thanks to Caleb's power, they were able to find her.

Kate and Sara were still at the party. They didn't want anyone to know about what happened just in case it was something that only Jessica and the Sons of Ipswich could explain. Completely waking up, she shifted in her position. "What happened to me?" she finally asked.

"You tell us. We found you here and you were passed out," Pogue responded, extending his hands to her, so she could stand up. She was still weak. When she tried to get up, she tumbled to the side. Caleb grabbed her bridal style.

"Let's take her to the hospital," Reid suggested. "No! No hospitals!" Jessica whined. She still hated hospitals after her parent's accident. "Just take me to the dorms. I'll be fine," she said. "I'm going to tell Tyler that we are leaving. He's probably with Jessica's roommate," Reid said, walking back to the rave. Caleb and Pogue went to the area, where his bike and Caleb's car was. Caleb placed Jessica softly in the passenger's seat. Kate and Sarah appeared in the parking area along with Reid, Tyler, and Dawn. "Reid told us what happened, is she OK?" Kate asked, looking at Jessica. She had her eyes close. She was weak, but she was alright.

"She is. She needs rest so Caleb is taking her back to Spencer. I'm going to follow them on my bike. I will see you tomorrow alright, babe? I have to make sure my sister is safe," Pogue said to his girlfriend. She nodded her head and gave Pogue a soft kiss on the lips. "Please call me when you get home. I want to know how she is doing," she replied. Jessica saw that everyone gathered outside the car where she sat. She saw that Sara looked worried and a bit discontent since she could see it in Sarah's expression. Caleb spoke a few words to Sarah that Jessica couldn't understand. She kissed his cheek and walked behind Kate.

Dawn walked to Jessica's side. "I'll see you in a bit in the room, alright? I'll help you out. I'm riding with Tyler, but we will be behind you," Dawn explained. "You don't have to Dawn. I'm fine. Pogue and Caleb are going to take me back to Spencer and I'm just going to take a shower and sleep it off. Promise me that you will tell Tyler to take you to eat or something. Don't come home yet. You deserve a night of fun," Jessica said, holding her friend's hand.

"Besides, I can use some alone time for a bit," Jessica stated. Dawn understood. She was worried about her friend, but she knew that Jessica meant no harm. She was going to give her roommate some alone time. She wanted to be with Tyler a little bit longer, so she was going to do as Jessica suggested.

"See you later then, call me if you need anything, please," Dawn said, smiling. Jessica nodded her head. Dawn and Tyler left. Kate and Sarah left. Reid had his own car and Pogue followed Caleb to Spencer Academy.

They arrived safely. Jessica lied down in the bed. "Kate is calling, be right back. I'm going to tell her that you are better," Pogue said, kissing the top of his sister's head. He walked outside the room, leaving Jessica and Caleb alone. Jessica tried to stand up. She was thirsty and she needed some water. Her throat felt sore, and she still could feel the dryness. When Caleb saw that she was stumbling to get up, he walked to her. "What are you doing?" Caleb asked concern. "I'm just getting some water," she replied, massaging her temples, since she felt like she was about to get a migraine.

"Stay in bed. I'll get it for you," Caleb said. He walked to the small fridge area and grabbed a glass. He opened the faucet and poured some water inside the glass. He turned the faucet back off and walked to the bed. As he sat in the corner of the bed, he gave Jessica the water. He was worried about her. She couldn't believe that he was there, helping her. Having him so close to her, made her uncomfortable, but she liked the feeling of his hands touching hers as he helped her drink from the crystal cup.

"Thanks," she said when she was done. "Anytime," he replied, standing up. Pogue came back inside and grabbed Caleb's arm softly. Pogue and Caleb stood beside the bed. They started to speak low enough, so Jessica couldn't hear them. She knew something was going on and she hated when things were left unknown by her. "What is wrong? I can't hear you, but I know you are talking about something that I need to know," Jessica snapped, making the boys turn their attention to her. Pogue was hesitant to let his sister know, but Caleb was ready to say everything.

"A student died a couple days before you arrived, and I've been seeing his darken," Caleb confessed. A darken was the spirit of a dead person. They usually roamed the earth because they needed to deliver a message. Also, it was a signal that things were about to change for the worst not the better. "I saw it in the woods today for the second time. That's how I found you," Caleb said, crossing his arms together in front of his chest.

"Do you think Jessica passing out in the woods has something to do with it?" Pogue questioned. "I don't think I just fainted. I don't remember exactly what happened, but I think I saw something. I'm not sure what though," Jessica explained, trying to remember what happened a few hours ago. "Someone is using powers and they are big. Something is coming soon; I can feel it," Caleb said. "Maybe it has to do with you descending," Pogue suggested. "I don't know, but someone is using too much power and I am going to find out whom," Caleb stated, feeling angry because something big was coming and he needed to stop it before it was too late.

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