1. To Live Once Again

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I looked up towards the rising night sky. The last haze of my final sunset slowly drifted away, along with my consciousness.

I was dying.

My gasps for air came to no prevail, as it was too late. Was I angry?


Hatred, nor resentment came to me. Life was always meaningless.

Greed overtook others, while many drifted behind to gain the favor of those very people.

My high school was no different from the reality you'd face one day. It just came too early for me to understand.

If you are a social outcast, you get the pity you don't need, and the glanced you don't want.
I felt them all the time.

My very friend turned her back on me, not wanting to get dragged into the lower tier of standards. Hoping I'd understand and then shamelessly leaving me.

As if that was not enough, she even became the cause of my death. Pushing me off our previous hangout spot, that I cherished so much.

How funny I ever thought of her as a "friend."

There was no use in being dejected. She did what she did, and there was no turning back.

Karma, at one point, was all I believed in. I was revenge-driven. They needed to feel the same pain I endured each day! It came to a stop, but my world, in exchange, slowly lost its color.

Dying was nothing. People didn't care. They'd give their sorrow "regrets" and then go back to their happy, easy-going ways.

Huh. . .
I was so naive before.

My eyes drifted close, abandoning the world I originally belonged in.

x  x  x

"Is he going to be fine-"

"I'm sorry to say, he may not. . ."

Drifting in and out of consciousness, left me without a chance to grasp the situation. Was I saved?


"Please don't leave me."

A familiar voice.



"Haruto! Please wake up!"

x  x  x

"Urgh!" I groaned. The world was spinning, and the splitting headache made it no better. The throbbing pain didn't cease as I looked at my surroundings. A dull room was reflected in my eyes, the blinds were shut, not letting any light disrupt my prior "slumber." An IV was connected to me, long white sheets draped over my legs as well.

The most notable thing in this room?

A person, that was currently laying their head atop the side of my hospital bed.

He had gravity-defying hair, uncommon attire, and most of all the face of a man I know very well.

Kakashi Hatake.


A/N: Hope you enjoyed.
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