Chapter 1: Letters

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Hi okay quick little thing before I start, this first chapter is gonna be a little different, I was rereading Frankenstein a few nights ago and I liked the way that Marry Shelly's use of letters so I thought I might try this out, so yeah let me know what you think.

Dear Hermione,

I'm glad to know your summer has been well. It's almost time to return to Hogwarts again, it's gonna be great to see you again! Anyway not much has changed since your last letter, Ben's still being a prat like usual, he still thinks his prefect means he has power over us, he can be so annoying. Rose is still mostly keeping to herself, although we did watch a movie from my mums old collection of muggle movies, it was called Star Wars, I wonder if you've seen it before. Oh I forgot Richie and I found out who she's been getting letters from a boy named Marc. She was real angry when she found out we had stolen her letters. Dad's been busy at the ministry, not quite sure what he been, he's refused to tell us so there's that. Ummm what else? Oh yeah Richie he's been acting differently again, he's perfectly fine when he just with our family, but when his friends come over he starts to ignore me, it's really strange. Anyway I haven't heard anything from Harry, I'm getting worried. Well I should probably wrap this up now, I've still got homework to do. Ahh I can hear you scolding me right now, don't worry I'll get it finished. Can't wait to see you again Hermione!

From (N/n)

My Dearest Ronald,

It has been a while since I have last seen your face, I hope that you have only grown more beautiful in the time that has past. Okay enough messing around I got your last letter, or I wouldn't be writing this, and my dad said it'd be fine to stay with you and your family until the new year starts. I'm excited to meet your parents and your other brothers, if they'll be there. Have you heard anything from Harry? I've been talking with Hermione and neither she nor I have heard from him. Oh and tell your dad I can bring him a rubber duck if he would like. Anyway see you soon

From (Y/n)

Dear Harry,
Oi are you dead? Answer our letters you git! If you are dead sorry for the strong language in my last letter of not I meant every word of it. Now then I'm spending the rest of the summer at the Weasley's, Ron has written multiple letters to invite you, all of which you have ignored, now I hope I will you see soon. If you are dead I am once again asking if I can have your chocolate frog card collection, and if possible your cupboard. Seriously Harry answer one of us okay? Hopefully I'll see you soon, either at Hogwarts or at your funeral

From (Y/n)

Okay so this ended up being shorter than I expected, but I was think of maybe starting each book with summer letters like this, so if you think that's a good idea let me know if you hate it also let me know, and so let us begin our second year at Hogwarts.

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