Chapter 8

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Hey guys! Sorry for the delay.  After I posted the last chapter I had a lot of homework to do x_x. And then Spring Break came and I wanted a break from staring at my computer screen for hours heh. And well. I had even MORE work last week so. Rip. But I'm finally updating this! I was super shocked to see that 37 people have viewed this. I was so excited. But rip only 2 people saw the last chapter... but oh well!~


After a long 2 hour ride. We had all finally reached #######. Yawning I sat up straight while rubbing my eyes. Thalia began dropping everyone off one by one. Leaving me as the last one.

"Alright kiddo. You remember your address?" she asked looking in the mirror at me. I nodded.

"Its #########" I said.

"Woah. Interesting place that is." She said as she got back on the road and began driving towards my house.

"You've been there before?" I asked looking out at the window.

"Only a couple of times. One of my friends used to live in that area so..." She trailed off.

"," I said. Glancing at the passing cars and houses. My mind began to drift to Nico and Hazel's house. A two-story big dark-wood house. With its own front porch too. It looked very nice and cozy. Way different from my house.

After a few more minutes of driving around, we had finally reached the destination.

"Have a good night, Luka!" Thalia said through the window. I nodded and smiled at her.

"You too!" I spun back around, with the bag of chips in my hands, and walked towards the front door. It was now 9 o'clock pm. Everyone would be asleep. Which means I have to be careful, and that I can sleep inside! I quietly opened the front door, hearing Thalia's car drive away. I placed the bag of chips on the kitchen counter and slowly made my way to my room. After I had finally gotten in, I slid down the door and sat on the ground. Only realizing how sleepy I really am. I sighed and sat up. Leaving a trail of clothes from the door to my bed. I slowly got into my blankets and began to hug my pillow as I fell asleep. Dreaming of sharing a flowerbed with a certain boy. It left the brightest smile on my face, and the loudest snore.

The next morning I woke up to sunlight on my face. I groaned at its warmth. I got out of bed. Looking at my naked body in the mirror(I have boxers on, get your mind out of the gutter). Still thin and curvy waists. But not necessarily bad...I guess? I shook my head, it doesn't matter. And walked over to my closet. Taking out an oversized white sweater. And black sweatpants with white stripes on the side. The sweatpants weren't that long though, they reached just over my knees, not leaving much room to see them since my sweater reached my thighs halfway. I walked over to my door, picking up and folding the clothes from yesterday and placed them on my desk drawer. And headed out to the kitchen. I looked at the time, 7:25 am. After I heard someone clear their throat.

"What time did you get home last night?" My step-mom asked.

"9. The drive back was 2 hours...." I answered politely. She sighed.

"I'll let you off the hook this time seeing as you didn't forget what I asked of you." She said before walking past me to grab her bag. You said come home whenever you want though... I thought to myself. But decided not to bring it up.

"Want me to give you a ride to school?" She asked while looking at her phone.

"It's alright, I can walk," I said opening the fridge.

"Okay. Take Crystal and Alec with you too then, and be home before 6 today, you have chores to do." She said before closing the front door. I sighed. Grabbing two pieces of bread and ingredients for my sandwich, just as Alec walked in.

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⏰ Última atualização: Apr 25, 2020 ⏰

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