"Will the door close behind us?"

He nodded his head and kept his eyes ahead of us. The tunnel was small and dark, dust hanging from the ceiling. I shivered thinking about how many spiders might be above us. I could deal with bats, but spiders were a whole other story.

"How long will we walk for?" I whispered up to him.

"Seven miles."

"Seven miles." I hissed up at him. He looked down and gave me an amused look.

"What, you don't think you can handle walking seven miles by my side?"

"Well, when you put it that way." I mumbled and folded my arms over my chest. Chase stopped walking and looked down at me. He turned his head towards Jeffery and mumbled.

"Fall back."

"Yes sir." Jefferey returned and Chase and I started walking. I glanced behind us to see the group standing there and waiting.

"They'll only be a few strides behind us. It's so we can speak in a whisper and not be heard." Chase informed me. With his left hand he gave the signal for the group to continue marching forward. "I think I owe you an explanation."

An explanation about what? Why their base was attacked. Why he didn't tell me he was staying here. Why he hasn't really told me anything about what he's been up to. The list could go on.

"I never really told you who I am." My heart leaped out of my chest and burst. Never told me who he was? What the fuck does that mean. I thought he loved me. I thought he was always honest with me. I thought we loved each other!

"It's not what you're thinking so calm down, Alley Cat. I just never told you what I really do. I thought if you didn't know then you'd feel a little better when I had to go to work."

"What are you?" I whispered. I couldn't look at him because I would cave. If this was going be something I didn't like to hear then I can't look at him.

"I'm commander of my own black oops team."

"Black oops. Like go in on special missions that are too hard for anyone else, black oops? Like go in and kill terrorists that have killed hundreds of U.S citizens!"

He shook his head, amused. "Yes, baby girl. Like go in and kill the bad guys that no one else are able to."

"So why are you at this base?"

"We were coming back from a mission and we figured to just stop here. The helicopters were running low on fuel."

I think my eyes just fell out of their sockets. "Your helicopters were running out of gas! What if you hadn't gotten back into the U.S and that had happened!"

"We would of filled it." He shrugged his shoulders. Dear Jesus you've got to be shitting me. They would of filled it. Oh yeah lets just stop for some gas after killing one of your own. You won't try and shoot us or bomb us or anything. We'll be fine guys! Without realizing what I was doing, I drew my arm back and let it fly. Smacking him on the arm with the back of my hand.

He yelped and jumped away from me. "What was that for?"

"For being too strong and having good aim. Also, for knowing what the fuck to do when sane people are flipping shit with their heads up their asses."

"So basically for being me?"

"For being motherfucking black oops, Chase Teller."

"Still love me?" He smirked. I rolled my eyes knowing that he couldn't see me. Although knowing him, maybe he could.

"Of course I still love you, you ass." He threw his head back and let out a heart laugh that had me squirming. Wow, I've missed him a lot. He tucked me under his arm and stopped us from walking any further. We fell back with the group and then continued.

By the time we hit six miles the girls were complaining about their feet hurting. "One more mile, ladies." Chase spoke loud and clear to everyone. I heard groans of protest from most people. A few minutes paced in silence before we heard a loud bang from behind us.

Then a high pitched yelp that came from the head cheerleader. When the group cleared a path, she was sitting with her hands up and her face scrunched up. "God, watch it dumb ass." On the ground next to her was a shorter girl. Her red hair was flared around her face as she laid on the floor. Chase crouched down next to the two. The slut shoving her breasts in his face as he tried to examine the red head.

"She has diabetes, she needs to eat something." Her friend stepped to the front of the crowd.

"Jeff." Chase held his hand out behind him. Two snack bars were placed in it. Chase scooped the girl into his arms bridal style. Taking her hand, he placed the bars in it and allowed her to open it. She was too weak so I stepped in and ripped off the packaging.

Slut bags was still on the floor. She cleared her throat and flashed Chase a smile. One of her hands were extended for him to help her up. "I think you can handle standing." He grumbled and began walking again. "Forward, ladies." With a gasp from the chick, she rose to her feet and brushed herself off. I walked besides Chase as he carried the girl the rest of the way. She slowly ate both the bars that she was given, whispering a thank you to the both of us. "Don't worry about it."

When we got to what I believed was the end, Chase set her back on her feet and steadied her. He pushed the door open without having to do anything and we can out at another base. From there we were instructed to pile onto Peter Pan buses that were there waiting for us. The sun was low in the sky and when I looked at my phone it was four in the afternoon.

I was beginning to walk onto the bus when Chase grabbed my arm.


One word, one syllable, so many meanings. He needed something from me. He couldn't say good-bye to me yet. He had to tell me something more. He wanted to get lost with me. So many possibilities in that one simple word. So many different signals as I stepped off the bus and followed him to a car.

Boring chapter I know, it's a filler.



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