Chapter 24

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Antoinette's POV

I stood in the corner I was told to. Luke a protective steel wall in front of me. I fiddled with my bullet proof vest, putting my hands in some of the pockets. The students were packed tightly, shoulders to squished shoulder. It was starting to heat up in here from all the panic in the air. The president stood in front of the door, that much I knew. No one spoke, no one moved. The cheerleaders were in the far back and every now and then there was a faint whisper.

"What do you think is happening out there?" Someone whispered.

"I sure as hell don't want to find out." Another hissed.

I laid my head against Luke's back. My back was pressed against the wall and my front pressed against his back. His back seemed a little nicer than a hard cold wall. I tried to move my torso but my shoulders were against the wall and a person. I was caged in and a part of me was starting to hyperventilate. It was starting to get claustrophobic in here. Luke turned with difficulty and folded me into his arms. He rested his head on the top of mine.

"He needs you to be fine so he can be fine." Luke whispered in my ear. Although if you thought about it that didn't make sense, but he hit the nail square on the head. I was worried about him, he was worried about me and I knew that. I had to be okay so that he could be okay. It was strange to think about, but it made perfect sense. I repeated his orders over and over again in my head, waiting for that door to open and for the worst to happen.

"Why does she get a vest?" Someone hissed.

"Ignore her." Luke hissed back. "She's just jealous because she's realized she isn't important."

After that everyone stay'd silent. The only sound in the room was heavy breathing. I reached into Luke's back pocket to get his phone. Bringing up between the crowded bodies and glancing at the time. It had been fifteen minutes since the door was closed. Time had been evil lately. What felt like hours was actually minutes. I slipped his phone back and took mine out. Plugging my earphones in and getting lost in time. My head laid against Luke's chest, I closed my eyes and relaxed.

I felt him before I heard him. Ripping me ear phones out and flinging myself at him. Chase sighed from relief and held me to him. A hand on the back of my head, the other on my lower back. He leaned back and caged my face between his hands. I closed my eyes as he looked me over to make sure I was alright. Luke stood protective besides me.

"What happened?" I whispered to him.

"It's not over yet, I came to get you."

"What do you mean it's not over?"

"I mean we have an hour before more come, we have to move out. The students can't take the bus back, they'll go a different way. I've decided that the most important thing would be to get everyone back safe, so my team and I will be with you. We have a lot to talk about once you're safe."

I nodded my head and grabbed his hand. My other hand searched for Luke, he needed to get out safely too. He grabbed mine and gave it a squeeze as Chase turned and talked to everyone.

"Everyone, you need to follow me. My team and I are going to get you all home safe and sound, but we have to move quickly and quietly. We won't be taking the bus, bus I've been informed that nothing was left on it. Now quickly lets go." Chase held his hand out, waiting for me to slip mine into his.

Luke stayed close behind us as we made out way into another building. Chase stopped the group in front of a wall. I gave him a questioning glance as he stared at it, placing his thumb to thee center of it. It popped open and revealed a staircase going down. Chase gave my hand a squeeze and led us all inside.

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