Chapter 3

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Antoinette's POV 

I've gotten used to the constant rough sex. Always having to be ready for him when he needed or wanted me. I had turned into a slave, there was no doubt about that. Although the second I was sold, I knew this day was coming. One thing was right, he could be my friend or enemy. I tried to make him my enemy the first month. Which ended with me beaten and bruised and mentally abused. Carlos was not someone you wanted to be on the bad side of. So over the past three month's, I focused on making him happy. Not wanting to get into anymore trouble. Slowly I had gained his trust back, with blow job's and submissive. Carlos treats me well when I behave. Rewarding me sexually instead of punishing me. I wouldn't say I was pleased with the way my life turned out. Becoming a sex slave wasn't on my bucket list. I've learned to deal with it, try to be happy. Being happy seemed impossible. I needed something, anything to make me smile again. 

I've gained the privilege of T.V, although it isn't something I like to watch. The new's was still talking about me, which gave me hope. I had been gone for four month's, I'm surprised they haven't given up already. This week the talk about me had slowed down, my parent's most likely thinking I was dead. Bringing me deeper into the depression I had found myself in. Carlos was in and out all day everyday, although this week he said he had some more business to deal with. 

We were currently sitting in bed together, Carlos looking over some paper's. I wrapped the sheet's around my naked frame, trying to warm up. Carlos looked over at me and pulled me under his arm. Rubbing my arm with his free hand to try and create some heat. 

"I'll have them turn the temperature up." 

"You could just give me some clothe's." I suggested. "Some sweat pant's would be amazing. Maybe an oversized sweat shirt." A deep chuckle rose from his chest. He looked down at me, thinking. 

"I'll see what I can do."  With that he went back to reading his papers. I sighed and looked over at family guy that was quietly playing on the T.V. 

"Could you find me something to do, maybe work in the kitchen or something? I can cook. I'm just so tired of counting my hair." 

He placed his paper down in his lap. Sighing and looking down at me. "You do realize that you wouldn't be by yourself? Someone would have to sit in the kitchen and watch your every move. You would get to work with one women, the second in command cook. You wouldn't be in the main kitchen, you'd be in the second one." 

''I don't care, I just want out of this room." I sighed and glanced back at the T.V. Carlos rubbed his face with his hand's, throwing his head back. 

"Do you understand the amount of trust I would put into you? You'd get one chance, one Antoinette." I nodded my head, understanding. "I'll think about it." He leaned down and kissed the top of my head. Rolling on top of me and capturing my lip's. I closed my eye's waiting for what was to come, but it never came. Carlos leaned back so he was looking down at me, admiring me. I blushed a deep red and turned my head the other way. It made me uncomfortable when he looked at me like that, that look wasn't suppose to pass through his eye's. I was his pet, he was my master, nothing romantic was to come from this. Although a part of me hoped that maybe one day something like that could happen. I mean could you blame me, I was suppose to spend the rest of my life with this man. I wanted someone to love me at some point, if that never happened then what would I be living for? His pleasure? 

Carlos rolled out of bed and walked out the door. Locking it behind him, I curled up like I did every time he left. Alone once again, I tried my best to busy myself. It never worked, no matter how hard I tried. Surfing through the channel's, I found Practical Magic. Jumping up with the sheet's, I pressed play and sat closer. Singing along with the actor's during the midnight margarita's part. Dropping to the floor when my mother crossed my mind. This was our movie, while a part was excited, the other was depressed. Tear's streamed down my face and I screamed out in agony.  

"Dear god make it stop, make it stop." I pleaded, but I knew no one was listening. I had lost my faith in everything the second I was kidnapped. I prayed and begged to help me, to let me go back to my family. Four motherfucking months. Four. All faith was lost.

Carlos opened the door, looking down at his phone. I quickly wiped my eye's and sniffled, trying to cover it up. Looking back at the movie, it was over in ten minute's. I had been crying for far too long. Carlos looked down at me with his eyebrows raised in question. I rose to my feet and walked over to him. Looking down at his extended hand. Sending in a shy smile as I slipped the baggy black sweat pant's on. Throwing the dark grey hoodie over my head. It smelt of Carlos, letting me know that it was his. 

"Go to the bathroom and wash your face." With my head hanging, I walked into the water. Making sure the water was luke warm so it wouldn't burn. When I looked up at myself, my face was visually refreshed. I threw my hair up into a messy bun on the top of my head and took Carlos's waiting hand. He led me down hall after hall, staircase after staircase. This place was a fucking mansion. He looked over at me every now and then, checking on me. I'd send him an excited smile every time. Walking into my own personal heaven, the kitchen. Cream and brown marble counter's. The wall's the color of Carlos's eye's. Window's covering every inch of the wall's. This place would be in a cook's wet dream. "This is were you'll be spending your day's. Someone I trust with my life will come and watch over you. Don't mess with him, you won't be able to take him like you could the other's." 

A young lady - around the age of forty-five - walked into the room with a warm smile on her face. Instantly I felt secure, she gave off the understanding mother vibe. Which was something I needed more than anything at the moment. 

"Good afternoon, love. I hear you're gonna be joining me in the kitchen?" I nodded my head eagerly. Carlos looked down at me with a warm smile. 

"You know the rule's, one chance Antoinette." 

"I know, I won't mess this up." I smiled up at him. 

"Someone will be with you in five minute's, he'll report back to me hourly. I have to leave for the week. Behave." Carlos leaned down and kissed my forehead. Giving the women a warning look. With that he walked out of the kitchen and left me alone with the women. 

"I'm Faith." She smiled. I looked down at her hand but instead walked into her arm's. Allowing me to snuggle into her motherly embrace. 

"I'm Antoinette." I smiled. 

"Let's get to it, we're gonna make some home made chocolate chip cookies." 

Within minute's I was covered in flour. Hand print's on my ass from wiping. Smeared across my cheek. There was a knock at the door, turning to lock eye's with ice blue one's. He spoke before Faith or I could. 

"I'm gonna be watching over you, I'm Xavier." 










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