Origin of Perseus

Start from the beginning

"Thou see, some gods are the same just with different names, thou father Apollo being one of them and one of the few with the same name, Aphrodite or Venus, Hermes/Mercury and Poseidon/Neptune. The Romans aren't affected by the great Prophecy, as they have a greater prophecy of their own, but before thy ask, I swore on Chaos not to tell anybody without permission from the correct authority"

"Cool, but you still didn't tell me why you gasped"

"Around just over 15 years ago, Lord Zeus had seen a massive spike of power in this one area, and told the Hunters to check it out. It was a baby boy that had just lost his mother through childbirth. When we arrived Lord Triton had already arrived and had announced that this child was the son of Neptune. The sea god then claimed that the his father wished that Artemis look after the child."

"Wouldn't Artemis say no, since the baby was a male"

"Atalanta, if thy could, tell me Miladies domains please"

"The Moon, the Hunt and Archery"

"Thou art forgetting Childbirth. Thy see, many forget this domain and so did Lady Artemis, she forgot about caring about her domain and as a result a spike in many women dying from childbirth went up. Milady felt responsible for all of these women dying including the lover of Neptune and stated the she owed it to all the ladies that had died to take care of this child"

"So then what happened" Zoe could only smile as her friend was so invested in the story.

"Well, Artemis named the child Perseus, after one of the only male she ever found tolerable other than Orion and Hippolytus as well as a hope that her father will accept this child and his middle name Orion to remember her only male friend. She trained the child to be an expert archer at a young age and came to love this child as her own going so far as to blood adopt him"

"What does that mean?"

"It mean that he has the powers of a demigod of Artemis, if she would ever have one"

"Ok, I get why that, but why were you on the verge of crying"

"The story is not a happy one, are thou sure you want to continue. Thy may look differently on the hunt"

"The hunt is my family and I want to know their flaws and weaknesses" The daughter of Apollo had a ferocity in her eyes, like a daughter of Ares.

"If thy insist, like I said the child was a baby and Artemis was always a 12 year old, so as an immortal 18 I had to feed him, for some reason I was able to produce the milk. Naturally I was close to the baby, but as he got older he eventually stopped feeding off me and I never felt any maternal feeling from the child. We slowly drifted apart, I started to avoid him not wanting to get close to another boy, however he did try to stay connected with me, he even gave me a bracelet made of the plant Nightshade"

"Is that why your name is Zoe Nightshade" the younger hunter gasped

"Indeed, I chose it in memory of him"

"You make it sound like he is dead" Atalanta joked, though she was semi-serious

"He is from my life, I can never speak to him again"

"What did you do, I am sure it wasn't that bad"

"No, it was awful. Many of the girls have terrible experiences with men, so without mine, Artemis or Phoebe's knowledge"

"Phoebe?" Atalanta interrupted the dark haired girl.

"Of course, she was one of the only hunters who accepted him, they loved each other as siblings, he even gave her a laurel made out of Phoebe plants, she was overjoyed when she got it. Anyway without our knowledge the made him their slave and well...they...they called Perseus names such as monster, murderer and abomination"

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