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"Hey you look lost, are you okay?"

Julia jumped and turned around the second someone touched her shoulder. It took her a few seconds to realize what the person said to her, considering the music in this building was so loud she could barely hear her own thoughts.

"I'm- Yeah I'm fine. Thank you," she said nervously, trying to smile. The somewhat tall boy with brown hair that curled at the ends that was standing in front of her, frowned as he leaned forward so she could hear him and said "are you sure? You look nervous!"

"Just trying to find my- my girlfriend. She got lost in the crowd somewhere I think," Julia explained to him, and even though it was a big lie since that was not the reason she was nervous at all, the guy seemed to believe her and nodded understandably.

"It's so fucking crowded here. Do you want me to stay with you until she's here?"

Apparently Julia looked that anxious, otherwise the boy would've never offered to keep waiting with her. Boys always stopped talking to her the second she told them she had a girlfriend.

"No, thank you. It's fine. I think she's right there," Julia said loudly so she was sure he would hear her. He nodded and smiled kindly at her before Julia turned around and walked into the crowd. She felt a little guilty she cut the guy off like that, especially because he seemed very nice. But at the moment she couldn't think straight at all. And she could not stand on one spot longer than thirty seconds, afraid Dom would actually be there and see her.

She didn't even see Becca in the crowd, though. But at least Julia was in the crowd right now so she didn't stand out that much.


Julia's eyes widen as her heart stopped for a moment and she immediately stopped walking, standing completely still.

"I told you not to move baby. You made it impossible to find you back."

Thank god it was Becca. She could've recognized her voice easily, but hearing her name out loud like that while she was hiding for someone was terrifying.

"Here's your beer," she said as she handed Julia a cup of beer filled to the brim. Julia was about to take a sip out of it, as Becca leaned in and kissed her cheek before saying "you look so anxious honey. Are you okay?"

She really did look really anxious: two people had said it to her in a span of not even two minutes. She hated how she always betrayed herself so easily with her facial expressions.

"Just... crowds. I hate them," Julia told Becca, who nodded understandably and quickly took her hand to guide her out of the crowd, back to the exact same spot where Julia had talked with the boy with the brown curls. He was gone now, though.

"Better?" Becca asked her, stroking her thumb over Julia's cheek to wipe away some loose hairs that had fallen out of her boxer braids. Julia nodded and smiled at her girlfriend.

"A lot, thank you."

Becca smiled back and leaned against the wall behind them as she said "I just asked and they said Yungblud is performing on that stage and he's about to come on any moment."

Julia hated the fact that just when she had calmed herself down just a little by promising herself Dom would never see her in this crowd, Becca started about him again. Thinking about the fact that she would actually see Dom again in real life after about eight months made her want to throw up.

"Cool," was the only thing Julia said before she took a small sip of her beer. She hadn't even been drinking a lot; it was only her first cup while Becca was on her third already.

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