C. Isabelle

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Sunday, 25th December 1938

It was evening, and I made my way to Alexander's room, wanting to talk to him about why he's been acting strange and unlike him today, and as his best friend (besides Hugo), it is also my duty to worry about him. Something must clearly be bothering him lately. I'm not entirely sure what it is. When I got closer to his room, I saw Hugo walking in, and I wonder what they will be talking about. I know, eavesdropping is bad, but... I need to find out what's going on. I got closer to his room. After Hugo closed the door behind him, I gently leaned against the door. I heard the following conversation:

Alexander: I know what you're going to say, Hugo. I'm frustrated with myself too. It's just... I can't do this!

Hugo: Do what? Propose to her? It's bloody simple, Alexander!

Alexander scoffed as I immediately put my hand over my mouth, stopping me from gasping out loud and to alert Hugo and Alexander. A tear stream down my face as I realised why Alexander has been acting odd. Not just today, but ever since Valentine's Day.

Alexander: You think it's that simple?! It's not! Say you're in my shoes, and you're faced with this same challenge!

Hugo sighed.

Hugo: You know what, let's just... don't talk for a while.

Alexander: Sure. If you're ready to talk, you know where to find me.

Hugo: Your Highness.

Once I hear Hugo make his way to the door, I immediately walk away, my mind reeling from the revelation.

'It can't be...' I thought to myself until I bumped into Grandfather. I immediately apologised.

"It's alright, Isabelle," He replied and noticed my expression and the tear-stained cheek, "What's wrong?"

"It's nothing," I quickly lied, turning my face away from him. He nodded, slightly suspicious.

"May I leave?" I asked and Grandfather nodded. I then made my way to my room.

Wednesday, 4th January 1939

I am still thinking about Alexander's future proposal for marriage, as I asked Grandfather to court Philippe, Duke of Normandy. Guilt plagued my mind.

"Why?" He asked me as we are in his private office.

"Because I need to take my mind off of Alexander. There's a lot going on, and I'm not sure if I can handle it if I keep daydreaming and dilly-dallying about Alexander all day long," I replied bluntly as Grandfather looked at me.

"You know that will hurt Alexander, right?"

I nodded in reply, looking extremely pained. Grandfather looked at me worriedly.

"But for both of our sakes, I think it is for the better," I replied in a quiet voice.

"Of course, I will notify the press, and Philippe soon," Grandfather told me and I nodded. Philippe and I have known each other for quite some time now. Later that afternoon, the news of my courtship with Philippe had spread to the United Kingdom.

I would be in my room when Colette hands me the newspaper in regards to the news. I sighed as I looked out of the window, unsure of everything.

"Are you sure, Isabelle?" She asked me, with a tad bit of anger in her tone of voice.

"I don't know," I replied, as I started to feel pained whenever I think about Alexander.

'I'm so sorry, Alexander,' I thought to myself.

Tuesday, 14th February 1939

I watched Alexander take out the small box and set it on the table, fidgeting with it. Everything that has happened since Christmas rushes back to me, and I was threatened to tear up but I manage to keep my emotions in check. Alexander was silent, observing me.

"What is it, Alexander?" I asked, composed.

"Well... Ever since we first met, I immediately fell head over heels for you. That came with a load of teasing from Hugo. Of course, I never knew what it was at first. I can still recall our first Valentine's Day as clear as day as if it happened yesterday," Alexander started, his eyes pained, "Then, as we grew older, I realised what it was. It was love, but I have been denying it for years. Only Hugo knew as I hid under years of denial. Everyone else... I've denied I'm in love with you. I can't hide from Hugo."

"No, you can't," I replied softly, "Neither can I with Colette. To the world, it's obvious that we're in love."

Alexander looked at me, surprised, fidgeting with the small box. I looked at it.

"What is it?" I asked, referring to the box. He looked at it.

"It's nothing," He replied, before clearing his throat, clearly a lie. I looked at him.

"You know, on Christmas Day, I went to see you in the evening, but I heard you and Hugo arguing with one another, so I left. I overheard some things that you said when I shouldn't have. So, is it true?" I asked, softly demanding him to answer, looking him straight in the eye. Alexander gave a long sigh, put the small box away, walked to the window and looked out as he leaned on the window.

"It's true," Alexander replied quietly, "I have asked your Grandfather for permission for your hand in marriage. It was a yes from him. The Privy Council and Parliament, as well as Papa, has given consent to our future marriage."

I looked at him, as I walked towards him. I wrapped my arm around him, leaning on him.

"You are extremely organised, you know that, right?" I said and Alexander immediately scoffed, rolling his eyes. I can live with the scoff and him rolling his eyes with the rest of my eyes. It's just... I don't know.

"I doubt that," Alexander replied, looking out of the window.

"So, how is it with your dogs?" I asked. Alexander glanced at me.

"Oh, they're fine. They just miss you and Colette that's all. They whined and barked whenever Hugo and I mentioned your name," He replied. I looked at him.

"Really?" I asked, and he nodded. Both of us looked at one another, and Alexander adjusted himself leaning on the windowpane, where he changes positions, allowing me to become more comfortable leaning on him.

'What a gentleman and without asking too,' I thought, 'Colette is right... He is a keeper. Why was I so dumb all those years ago?'

"You know, all those years ago, I have never even given a thought to telling you my feelings," Alexander confessed, looking distraught.

"Me neither," I replied, "It would have taken something drastic to motivate the other, isn't it?"

"Hm, yes. Like your courtship to Philippe, the Duke of Normandy," Alexander replied, and I can hear the spite in his tone of voice, "So how is it going with him?"

"He's alright," I replied, "But, I prefer if it was you that I would be courting right now."

Alexander smiled, before leaning in, about to kiss me. I smiled.

It was a very sweet moment, me in Alexander's arms, as we are about to kiss. My heart began to race, as I felt butterflies in my stomach.

Until both of us heard a knock on the door, and Philippe walked in. I pulled away the moment I heard the knock as we both looked at Philippe, who was beaming. I looked at Alexander, who had a pained expression on his face.

"I will leave you both," Alexander said stiffly and bowed. Philippe nodded as Alexander left. I wanted to cry out, tearing up, but I was unable to. I turn my attention back to Philippe, faking a smile, being a darling and all. He and I spent the rest of the day, celebrating Valentine's Day, as my heart yearns for Alexander.

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