LXII. Douglas

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Friday, 29th March 1935

Dear Diary, 

Everything about March came as a surprise. But not a surprise for Alexander, but more like... worry. Worry for the future, and the unknown. I never saw him so uncertain before. But, I fear that there will be more uncertainty and worry coming from Alexander in the future. Hitler had announced that conscription was introduced, hence expanding the German Army. Alexander told us that the prospect of war is not just a possibility, but more of a reality. A very cold, and chilling reality which backlash the hopes of the Treaty of Versailles sixteen years ago that had brought the world this... false sense of peace and security, allowing the world to thrive before the economy crashed.

Then, this is where the genius came in from Alexander. Since Regius Obligatus has worldwide influence, we would continue business as usual (which includes Alexander's Royal Engagements, but that doesn't have anything to do with Regius Obligatus), yet under all of this "business as usual" shield worldwide, the background would consist of intensive war planning. War planning consists of weekly meetings between the Heads and Deputy Heads of each department in each Regius Obligatus branch worldwide (and their own Heads and Deputy Heads of each branch), weekly meetings between the Senior and Junior leadership teams and monthly meetings between the Senior and Junior leadership teams with the Heads of each branch. The meetings are the first operation of the Inner War, after almost a year of observing Germany from afar. This operation is called the Compass. Alexander's decision, not mine.

But after thinking about it, it is a genius move. With two years of planning and preparing, as well the long friendship shared between Alexander and me, as well as both Emily and Hugo, I am still amazed at how his brain and his logic works. Admirable.


Friday, 26th April 1935

Dear Diary, 

It has been a month since Operation Compass has started, and everything seems to be going "swimmingly", so to speak. Nothing much to update here. Except for the extremely brief updates. 

Oh, Alexander, Isabelle and Hugo had all great birthday parties that they had led in organisation for the other two. Elizabeth had received plenty of presents from these three. Wonder how they were able to afford it?


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