Chapter Twelve:

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"In our latest news for those out of touch and on the run, our popular feature, Pals of Potter, our usual update on the friends of Harry Potter."

"We have heard within the last few hours, that Rubeus Hagrid, well known gamekeeper at Hogwarts School, has narrowly escaped arrestment in the grounds of Hogwarts, where he has rumoured to have hosted a Support Harry Potter Party, in his house!"

"However, Hagrid was not taken into custody, and is, we believe, on the run."

"I suppose having a 16-foot high half-brother helps when you're escaping Death Eaters!"

"It would give you an edge. But, while we here at Potterwatch applaud Hagrid's spirit, we would urge against following Hagrid's lead. Support Harry Potter parties are unwise in the present climate."

"Especially with all we've heard about the Ministry running these Snatcher squads."

"Yes, for all those who haven't heard, the Ministry has licensed so called "Snatchers" to hunt down and bring in anyone who is deemed to be 'Undesirable'."

"Well, that wouldn't be us then, would it? I mean, we've both had loads of girlfriends."

"It must be those cute little cheeks and whiskers, Rodent."

"To all those who find themselves being unjustly labeled 'Undesirable', we here at Potterwatch salute you! And to all those people who really are Undesirable-"

*Cough* Snape! *Cough* *Cough* Malfoy!

"Your time will come!"



"Bella, I don't know how to deal with this!"

I watch as Charlie paces back and forth, slouching back into the couch, tiredly. Today has been an emotional rollercoaster, and all I want to do right now is curl up under my duvet and cry, eat chocolate and read. Possibly listen to Potterwatch too.

Instead, I'm sitting here while Charlie scolds me for ditching school and falling "off the grid" for several hours. And by several hours, I mean nearly seven.

"I went around to La Push, dad," I interrupt, "you can ask Billy, he saw me. I needed to get away from everything. I can't deal with this- this house arrest!"

"You were at La Push?"

I blink, slightly surprised by the abrupt turn-around. Charlie suddenly looks a lot less angry and despairing, and a lot more curious.

"Yeah, I visited Jacob."

Charlie looks at me considering, before nodding. "Okay. Since this house arrest isn't working, how about we try something new. You promise to tell me and the front desk if you can't manage school for the day instead of just leaving, I'll make sure Shelley knows you're allowed to leave so long as I'm notified, and you always need to be home by seven unless we've planned beforehand for you to stay later."

"Deal." I say, instantly, too happy about my punishment being over to care about the reasons behind Charlie's sudden change of heart.


"You are in big trouble Isabella Marie Swan!"

I wince. Damn.

"I'm sorry Ang-"

"Sorry doesn't cut it! Do you know how worried I've been?" Angela scolds me and I wince again. Katie is watching us, looking far too amused. I poke my tongue out at her, and she starts giggling.

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