Chapter Nine:

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"Hello to all those on the run, in hiding, or staying and standing up to You-Know-Who!"

"This is your update on what's what."

"Further news for those trying to get hold of a decent wand. Following the mysterious disappearance of Ollivander from Diagon Alley, news from abroad is that the famous wand-maker Gregorovitch has also vanished!"

"More names to add to the list of those disappearing. A list the Ministry seems to be doing nothing about!"

"That's not completely true. They are denying people are disappearing, heh, that's doing something!"

"So, to help you disappear from view before the authorities make you disappear, here are some more top tips."

"A quick reminder for all those who were too terrified to pay attention in Care of Magical Creatures: Large? Stupid? More muscles than brains? That's a troll! Very strong, but very slow."

"If it looks dead, smells dead, but it's still moving, that's an Inferi! Run away!"

"Shifty look? Terrible clothes? Bad attitude? That's a Snatcher! Careful of them calling for reinforcements."

"But our most exciting broadcast of the day- we have a Potter sighting! That's right, folks- three mysterious someone's broke into the ministry through the use of polyjuice, freed a room full of Muggleborns and fed the Umbitch to Dementors!"

"Well, they didn't actually feed her to Dementors- she was stunned when they were enacting the break out, and unfortunately for her, there were Dementors in the room."

"Yeah. Veeeeery unfortunate."


"We're here for you!"



I wasn't sure what the hell I was doing- had I turned masochistic-developed a taste for torture? This was not a healthy thing to do.

But I continued to drive slowly down the overgrown lane, twisting through the trees that arched over me like a green, living tunnel. My hands were shaking, so I tightened my grip on the steering wheel.

I wanted- no, I needed to be close to him. To Edward. He was the only one I could think of that would truly know what I was going through. I had killed two people- evil people, yes, but I had still killed them.

He'd killed people too. Murderers, rapists... he'd killed evil people. I'd killed evil people. He'd have been able to understand, probably be one of the only people who'd know how to make it feel better. But he wasn't here. He was gone from my life, gone forever.

So I had thought of another way to be close to him.

After I parked in the spot I remembered, from what felt like forever ago, I placed my wand on my flat palm and murmured, "Point me."

It was Monday, nearly twelve-o-clock, and I'd skipped school, seeing as it had taken Mrs. Weber forcing a calming draught down my throat for me to actually calm down. The plan the adults had laid out for me was, most likely, for me to stay home and relax.

Which was why I'd climbed out my window and applied silencing charms to my truck so Charlie couldn't hear me leave.

My wand spun on my palm, before settling in one direction, and, trusting my magic, I set off into the woods.

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