Chapter Two:

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No one bothered to stare at us as we took our usual seats in the back of the classroom- teenagers had short attention spans, and the two months Edward and I had been together after the first month, in which I had mostly ignored him, meant that our relationship was no longer a major source of gossip.

As the day progressed, I desperately tried to think up a way to get out of whatever was going down at the Cullen house tonight, but came up empty- well, almost empty. As soon as 7:07pm hit, I was transfiguring Alice into something incapable of giving me those heartbroken puppy dog eyes of hers.

Still, I was glad that none of the Cullen's brought up the birthday thing again while we were at school so I managed to avoid giving my 'fans' excuses to get all up in my personal space- Angela did push a small note in my locker that wished me happy birthday and hoped I had a lovely day, but that I appreciated because I genuinely liked Angela.

That afternoon found Edward and I sprawled across my couch, watching Romeo and Juliet for English. While it wasn't my favourite work of Shakespeare, I didn't mind it.

"You know, I've never had much patience with Romeo," Edward commented, as the movie started.

"What's wrong with Romeo?" I asked, trying to think of what the poor bloke could have done to upset or offend Edward. 

"Well, first of all, he's in love with this Rosaline- don't you think it makes him a little fickle? And then, a few minutes after their wedding, he kills Juliet's cousin. That's not very brilliant. Mistake after mistake. Could he have destroyed his own happiness any more thoroughly?" I shot him a dirty look.

"He's young," I shrug, "and in love. That makes people stupid. You don't have to watch the movie, though if you don't like it- I'm sure you've seen it before. Feel free to get some other work done."

"It's fine, I'll mostly be watching you, anyway." He says, his fingers tracing patterns across the skin of my arm, raising goose bumps.

"That's kind of stalker-ish," I comment, but I smile anyway and turn my attention turned back to the movie. That is, until Edward starts whispering Romeo's lines in my ear, which was horribly distracting because his voice was so much nicer then the actor's.

Of course, he lost all his charm when I started crying as Juliet woke and found her new husband dead. "I'm never watching a movie with you again," I threaten, sniffing and wiping away my tears with the back of my sleeve. Edward chuckles softly, before gesturing to the screen.

"I'll admit, I do sort of envy him here," he comments.

"She is gorgeous," I agree, because I might be able to go lesbian for Claire Danes. Edward makes an amused sound.

"I don't envy him the girl, just the ease of the suicide," he clarifies, in a teasing tone, "you humans have it so easy! All you have to do is down one tiny vial of plant extracts-"

"Hold up right there," I interrupt him, twisting around so that I'm facing him and can direct my scowl at him, "this is my birthday. No talking about sad things! And where did this bloody come from, anyway?" I ask, genuinely bewildered.

"It's something I had to think about once, and I knew from Carlisle's experience when he was first Turned that it wouldn't be simple." Edward explains while I listen in growing horror. "Carlisle tried to kill himself in the beginning... after he realized what he'd become..." His voice which had grown serious turned light again. "And he's clearly still in excellent health."

"What the hell do you mean it was something you had to think about once?" I just about squeak, I'm so horrified.

"When you were... nearly killed..." Edward pauses to take a deep breath, struggling to return to his teasing tone. "Of course, I was trying to focus on finding you alive, but part of my mind was already making contingency plans."

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