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Class 1-A was spending time in their dorms studying and socializing when all of them, some teachers and a select few others disappeared in a flash of light only to reappear in a large room built like a movie theater lobby.

"WHERE THE FUCK AM I" yells Bakugou.

"Bakugou language!" Iida scolds him.

"But where are we?" Jirou wonders around the black room.

Then Shota Aizawa, there teacher appears.

"Mr Aizawa?!"

He was then followed by All Might, Nezu, Midnight, Present Mic, The U.A staff, Monoma, Kendo and TetsuTetsu from Class 1.B, Eri, Kota, Shinsou, The wild Pusscats, The big three and Finally Inko Midoriya.

"Does anyone know where we are?" Asked All Might. "No clue" Cementoss replied.

"Izuku, are you okay dear" Inko rushed to her sons aid "Yeah Mom, I'm fine, just confused that's all"

"Okay, I believe that's everyone" A strange voice called out. Everyone in the room immediately turned their head to an alley way in the dark room.

A man with mysterious, long white hair, beady red eyes, he wore a navy hoodie, with matching pants. He wore white nike Air Force one trainers and strutted in the room like he owned the place(which he did).

Many of students and teachers got into fighting positions, activating their quirks. The hooded gentleman snapped his fingers and they all suddenly deactivated.

"What kind of quirk is this?" Midoriya mumbled.

"You bastard where is my quirk!" Bakugou screamed.

"I've paused your quirks. You can't use them" The owner stated.

"Wait so we can't use our quirks?" Kaminari gasped, causing jirou to facepalm. "No I just said that for shits and giggles. Fucking he'll you're a retard!" The hooded man scoffed, destroying Kaminari' pride.

"I brought you all here and no I will not hurt you all" He said with a smirk!

"Okay you're not here to harm us then why you bring us here?" All Might ask the figure "And who are you?" Aizawa ask him as well.

"Okay regarding who am i well first just call me Ghxst" He said "Ghxst? just that?" Mina ask Ghxst

"Yeah pink ting just Ghxst, and why you all here" He snap his finger and the screen shows the word Multiverse

"That is what you all gonna do or to be precise you all gonna watch scenarios about the multiverse!" He said. Everybody is confuse 'multiverse? watch it?'

"You still haven't answer my question Ghxst" Aizawa said glaring him "Wait i thought I did well honestly I'm sorta a God" Said Ghxst with a straight face

'Wait a God?' Everyone thought.

"Why the fuck? did you just proclaim that you are a God you loseee aaaaargh" Bakugou didn't finish that sentence as he float in the air because Ghxst did the force choke on him.

"Kacchan!" Midoriya scream panic at his friend "WhaT put him down" Kirishima asked Ghxst.

"He should learn to shut the fuck up, but to be honest all of his counterparts are just loud assholes." Ghxst scoffed as he let Bakugou go.

"But I was saying, I'm a god, who can move through different realities and display them to people. So what I'm about to show you is real, just like you guys had the sports festival, went to the training camp and the Camino fight, it's all real." He explained, clicking his fingers again and cinemas seats appeared behind everyone, knocking them onto them and everyone's favourite food and drink were served to them.

"Why are you doing this?" Monoma asked the god.

"Simple answer. I'm really fucking bored!" He replied bluntly, shocking everyone making this not feel that special.

"Oh yeah, Midoriya. You're the protagonist in a majority of these!" Ghxst pointed to a surprised Izuku


"Yeah, That courageous attitude of yours is spread throughout the multiverse and your practically a hero in all of these" Ghxst smirked at Deku blushing.

"That's amazing Deku!" Ochaco cheers.

"Good job Midoriya!" Iida praises.

All Might had a great big grin on his face. Young Midoriya is always a hero and was worthy for one for all.

"My baby's a hero!" Inko cried out.

"Okay, lets start!"


The Multiverses Of My Hero AcademiaOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora