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Deku (Mob) Vs Evil Spirit - Episode 1

"This universe All Might is an exorcist, with no powers, but has one powerful weapon" Ghxst announced like per usual.

The screen shows Toshinori Yagi (Reigen) and a couple walking they the City "So you've been having these dreams ever since you did a test of courage last week?" Toshinori asked, "Yes. They're so scary and creepy. Ah, Toshinori, it's the building over there!" The woman said, pointing towards it, but All Might was not staring t her.

"Eww she's ugly"

"Very ugly"

"You guys are jerks!"

"She is ugly though"

Toshinori stops in place. "What an incredible aura! This is going to be the first big one I've had in a while!" She creams whilst pointing towards a completely different building.

"Toshinori it's this one" the ugly lady pointed towards the other building. "Wait, you just pointed out the wrong building!" Her boyfriend, suspiciously glared at Toshinori, who was sweating buckets.

"What am I doing?"

"When I said you have no powers, you're basically a fraud exorcist"

"Ooh Toshinori, you've been a bad boy" Midnight purred, "Can I move seat?"

Toshinori laughed it off and turned around, rubbing his head whilst sweat dropping, "Huh? So it's that one! There was such an immense aura emanating from over there, too. Guess I got the evil spirit!"

"Wow, they must be as dumb as pickachu to believe that stupid ass story!" Bakugou said

"Ah I see" the woman said with a happy face.

"Oh my god they are dumb as pickachu" Jirou followed, "Who's pickachu?" Kaminari asked. Both Bakugou and Jirou face palmed, whilst internally screaming.

Inside the building, it was all run down, broken, like a ghost lived here. Toshinori jumped all around the room looking for clues.

"I see" His face looking all serious 'He suddenly looks so serious! Could there really be..' the boyfriend thought.

"If worst comes to worst, even I might not be able to to handle it!"

"You won't be able to handle anything you quirkless loser!"

"This is too dangerous!" He shouts, scaring the couple "Cockroaches are terrifying!" He covers his mouth from the urge of being sick.

"This is too good!" Aizawa laughed, "All Mights scared of cockroaches! Note to self. Get a load of Cockroaches and drop them on him so we can kill him later" Shigaraki, who was at the back of the room, began muttering an evil plan "SHIGARAKI!!! FUCK OFF INTO THE VILLAINS ROOM!!!!" Ghxst growled with a evil red aura around him.

"Sorry" Shigaraki ran off back to the villains room.

'There's no way this guys a psychic! He's a fake!' The boyfriend was clearly getting more pissed off, until an evil spirit appeared. "Want me to crash you through the ceiling with my curse?" The ghost said.

"Holy shit there really is a ghost!" Sero gasped

'I didn't expect him to actually appear' Toshinori went into his pocket and began throwing salt towards the ghost "SALT SPLASH!"

'Is he for real?!' The audience thought.

"This is just table salt you can buy at stores. If it's not purified, it won't work" the ghost said, covered in salt.

"Oh no the salt didn't work! What a surprise!" Uraraka said sarcastically, surprising some in the theatre.

"Well if salt doesn't destroy you, I'll have to call my secret weapon!" Toshinori whipped out his phone and began dialling.

"Who's the secret weapon?" Mina wondered, "Is the weapon powerful?" Yaoyorozu followed, "Probably something useless" Bakugou scoffed.

In a suburban street was a green haired boy in his middle school attire, he picked up the phone and began listening "Hey Deku, Sorry, but could you come by? Seriously the evil spirits right in front of me and the clients waiting, so hurry up okay? Thanks!"

"It's Midoriya once again" Todoroki said

"Hah! I knew his secret weapon was useless, it's Deku!" Bakugou laughed his ass off, "Screw you Kacchan!" Izuku scoffed.

A deadly green aura surrounded a middle schooler boy, as he walked through the halls of the abandoned building, lighting it up.

The audience gulped at Izuku, something was really menacing about him.

Izuku entered the room with a blank face expression "Ah Deku! We've been waiting for you" Toshinori waved his apprentice.

The ghost looked into Izuku's soulless eyes and began laughing "So after the salt, you're using a middle schooler?"

Izuku lifted his palm into the ghosts face "Who are you looking down o-" but before it could finish, Izuku's psychic powers destroyed him in seconds.

"Holy Shit Midoriya! That was sooo manly!" Kirishima shouted, "Bro that's the peak of Manliness" TetsuTetsu followed.

"Dammit, you........Weakling?" Bakugou was awe struck and struggled to get words out his mouth "Who's unless now Kacchan?!" Izuku boasted back.

Present Mic's voice began narrating the story "He is Izuku Midoriya, also known Deku. He is an actual Psychic and is working under Toshinori Yagi"

"Hey it's me!" Present Mic shouted with joy. Everyone ignored him though.

"So that's why All Might didn't get exposed for being a fraud because of Midoriya's actual psychic powers!" Iida pronounced.


"Still a bit scummy, Toshinori!" Aizawa glared at his co-worker "It looks like don't care about it though" Izuku followed, "looks like you don't care about anything at all" Sato replied.

"Okay, Next Universe BITCHES!!!"

The Multiverses Of My Hero AcademiaTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon