Chapter 10

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"Auw! Bitch! Why did you do that?!" Istredd cried.

"Because you really did deserve it. You manipulated everyone, like you did with me. How dare you even ask what you did wrong?!"

Istredd looked ashamed, but still had this angry twinkle in his eyes.

"Yen... He is not ok.." Geralt interrupted.

Yennefer grew very mad at hearing these words. She drew her sword and wanted to fight him, but to her dismay she saw that Istredd had disappeared.

"What a cock.." she said, with her voice trembling. She turned now towards Geralt who was holding Jaskier in his arms. Jaskier was laying in his arms, eyes closed and being limb.

"We should bring him to a safer place, but I don't think it's smart to bring him back to the inn.. Maybe we can set up camp in the forest?" He asked, eager to nurse Jaskier.

"Sure, but ill first go and get our stuff. I hope Jaskier wil be fine.."

Geralt carried Jaskier in his arms towards the forest. Once he arrived, he placed him on the grass and looked at him closely. He saw many blood stains and scars all around him.

"Why did you do this to me Jaskier?.. Just please, dont leave me. I really need you, and your silly singing. I need you to stay with me and cheer me up when im an ass, and I need to tell you that I think you made it possible for me to feel... Emotions. Please Jaskier, stay with me.."

Geralt bent forward and pressed his lips slowly on Jaskier's forehead.

Jaskier slowly opened his eyes at the gentle touch and locked his eyes with Geralt's. He sadly at him. I want to tell him so many things. Jaskier thought. But I can't. I feel so weak. "I saw the truth Geralt" I want to say. But for now I will just enjoy the moment.

He closed his eyes again and smiled gently.

A/N: I am truly sorry for the late updates. I will really try to update more, I was just busy in my head with a Mycroft Holmes x reader fanfic. And I also was studying. Yes, I know. Boring. But ok, till next chapter! Ill try to update tomorrow :p

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⏰ Last updated: May 04, 2020 ⏰

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