Chapter 3

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//One year later//

"Dennis, time to blow out your candles," I said, placing him in his high chair to the candle monster on his tiny cake, Linda baked.
He tried to blow out his candles, but spit came out instead. Everyone clapped and the candle monster walked off the cake, annoyed.

"Yeah, cute kid," he mumbled.
"Sorry," I called after him and got a napkin to wipe the drool off Dennis's face.

As I bent over to throw the napkin away, two cold arms wrapped around my waist.
"Linda's harassing me again," Marcus whispered.
I stood back up and faced my husband. "Then, avoid her. It's pretty simple," I whispered back as I lightly kissing his nose.

Dennis giggled and I reached out to his tiny cake, but Marcus quickly grabbed it instead.
"How about this? I'll cut Dennis his cake, while you keep Linda away from me."

"Y/n, my twenty minutes is up with her, anyway."
I rolled my eyes and went to go find this Linda.

I found her, but she wasn't alone. Linda, Mike and Drac were talking about something. I was going to leave them alone, but heard my son's name come up.

"Hey, I heard something about Dennis?"
Mike put a hand on my shoulder and said, "Your father-in-law thinks that Dennis is going to be a vampire."
I shrugged. "I'm okay with that."

"Once Denisovich's fangs pop in, he'll be a full vampire," Dracula explained.
"His name is Dennis. After my grandfather," Mike monotonously stated.
"Actually, I just liked-"
"But, his vampire name is Denisovich," Drac protested.

"Are we sure he's going to be a vampire though?", Linda asked.
"With the Dracula bloodline? He's a vampire."
Mike and Drac angrily stared at each other and I could sense the tension.

"I think it's PRESENT TIME!", I announced.

Everybody crowded around the gift table and Johnny had the honor of giving his nephew the first gift. I helped Dennis open the green wrapping paper and it was his G.I. Joe action figure.
"Commander Cool, got me through some tough times, little man. Take good care of him," Johnny said, crying.

He turned and sobbed on my shoulder.
I patted his red hair and lightly pushed him away from me.

Frank gave Dennis a tiny guillotine. Impressed murmurs broke out from the crowd and Marcus' eyes widened.
"He can have this when he's older. Cool gift, though," I said.
Frank proudly smirked and popped his collar.

"No, it's okay, we'll just baby-proof it. Sweetie, do you know where I put the rubber guards?", Marcus asked going through Dennis' first aid...bag, not kit.

When Dennis was born, it made Marcus realize how dangerous the hotel is, so he baby-proofed almost everything. Even the maids pointy noses! Let the witches breathe, geez!

"They should be under the cotton balls," I said, sliding the guillotine away from Dennis.

"Baby proofing a guillotine? So, you cut your finger off. It's part of the fun!", Eunice remarked.
"Talk about an over protective parent," Drac whispered to them.

I scoffed, "Oh, please. And you weren't?"
He started to say something, but nothing came out.

"Exactly. Put your speech on silent."
I rolled my eyes, before helping Dennis open his next present.

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